Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Ethan Hawke directs six-part documentary starring George Clooney as Paul Newman

Couple goals duo get doc treatment

Today everybody gets a documentary. Even orthopedists. Director Ethan Hawke’s is “The Last Movie Stars.” It has kids, marriages, alcohol, etc.

Gore Vidal called Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward the last two movie stars. She’d first won an Oscar and then the hallelujah changed. Ethan: “Their kids approached me about a doc using transcripts and interviews with all their friends.”

The HBO Max six-parter premieres July 21. George Clooney as Newman, Laura Linney as Woodward. Zooming in Billy Crudup, Ewan McGregor, Sam Rockwell, Zoe Kazan.

Supremes do rights things

Legal stuff. This is a quickened version of a lengthy NY Law Journal article — no opinions from me.

Roe v. Wade allowed a protected right not to have government interfere in women’s personal lives. Our Supreme Court recognized protecting certain privacies: First Amendment, privacy of one’s beliefs; Fourth Amendment, unreasonable searches; Fifth, information as a right against self-incrimination.

Our Supremes held there’s no constitutionally protected “right to privacy” which allows abortion even at pregnancy’s earliest stage. Right to life of an “unborn fetus,” from moment of conception, transcends any “right” of privacy for a woman to have an abortion — even if a result of rape or incest. 1973, this right was given constitutional protection. Justice Brennan wrote: “It is the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child.”

An abortion-rights supporter protests at the Mississippi Capitol on June 28, 2022, in Jackson, Miss.
The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade caused shockwaves throughout the nation. AP/Rogelio V. Solis

Today’s court holds that if our founders wanted “right to privacy” protected, the Constitution would have specified that. To list all rights worth protecting might someday be read as an exclusive list. Per Alexander Hamilton: “Why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power [in Congress] to do?” Thus no Bill of Rights included in the 1788 ratified Constitution.

1787, Noah Webster wrote in “An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution” that our founders, including James Madison, agreed they should not specify protected “rights” because someone might hold that those enumerated would be considered exclusive, which is what was just done.

Webster: “Should we include a provision that everybody shall . . . hunt on his own land . . . that Congress never restrain [anyone] from eating and drinking, at reasonable times, or prevent his lying on his left side in a long winter’s night, or even on his back, when he is fatigued by lying on his right.”

Today, legal minds I’ve just queried, ask: Do we garner the original intent of our founders about enumerating rights from Samuel Alito and the so-called constitutional “textualists,” or from James Madison, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton?

Modern legal minds ask, if “right to privacy” be a protected right “retained by the people,” is that not enough to permit a woman’s “right to choose” an abortion or does “this new Supreme Court pave the way to diminish other rights which we deemed to be at the heart of our freedom and liberty.”

Most unwanted

Meanwhile, a question that crossed my uneducated mind. The escaped Alabama prison convict who got charged with felony murder. OK. But this girlfriend of the man killed by the bodega worker who stabbed him — not only not arrested for attempted felony murder — but how about at least assault? Double parking?

Our Harvard-educated DA. Que pasa? On test days he must’ve been out hunting a barber to do up that chin doily.

The lawyer said to his client: “You really think it advisable for you, a mother of six children, to accuse your husband of neglect?”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.