Derek Jeter shares racism he faced: ‘I remember being so hurt’

Derek Jeter garnered the attention of many throughout his meteoric rise to stardom, but it wasn’t always his play that drew the watchful eyes. 

In the first episode of “The Captain,” an ESPN seven-part docuseries that highlights Jeter’s illustrious career, the legendary Yankees shortstop shares what life was like as a biracial kid growing up in Kalamazoo, Michigan. 

Jeter’s parents fell in love while serving overseas in Germany, but they quickly drew the ire of some for their relationship upon returning to the states. At the time, a communion between Dorothy, a white woman, and Charles, a black man, was looked down upon.

While raising Jeter, the pair looked to shield their son from the disdain and prejudice they experienced, while also instilling a strong work ethic and ambitious mentality. Despite their best efforts, a young Jeter was often exposed to subtle forms of racism. 

“Since I was very young I’d have so many people staring at me,” Jeter said. “My parents did a great job of sitting us down and saying, ‘Look you’re gonna get looks, people are going to treat you different, you’re gonna deal with racism, you’re gonna deal with prejudice … but you learn how to deal with it.”

Derek Jeter with his parents Dorothy and Charles and sister Charlee
Derek Jeter with his parents Dorothy and Charles and sister Charlee Getty Images

More overt acts of racism came later in Jeter’s life when he’d visit Kalamazoo during the early years of his playing career. After returning home from a short stint with the Greensboro Hornets – the Yankees low A-ball affiliate at the time – Jeter was called the n-word by a stranger as he left a local Taco Bell with a friend.

“I remember being so hurt by that,” Jeter said of the incident. “I’m so proud I’m back in Kalamazoo, right, finally made it, got drafted. And you’re like man, you know, this is a reality check.” 

The adversity didn’t slow Jeter’s progression. He made his major league debut with the Yankees on May 29, 1995, and his manager, Buck Showalter, credited the shortstop’s resilience and laser focus to his upbringing.  

In episode one of “The Captain,” the legendary Yankees shortstop shares what life was like as a biracial kid growing up in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
In episode one of “The Captain,” the legendary Yankees shortstop shares what life was like as a biracial kid growing up in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Getty

“I remember how impressed I was with his mom and dad, you know, and knowing the backbone they both had to have [in] an interracial marriage,” Showalter said. “There’s so many things that challenge guys in the big leagues and so many things that challenge them in New York City. I felt that Derek had a chance to really not have that be a factor in his life because of his upbringing.”

Sure enough, Jeter ended up adapting to life in New York just fine.

“The Captain” is set to debut on ESPN at 10 p.m. on July 18, following the Home Run Derby.