
Video shows moped-riding thieves snatch woman’s purse in Brooklyn

A duo on a moped knocked a woman to the ground as they grabbed her purse in Brooklyn this week, disturbing new video shows. 

The 41-year-old victim was walking at 57th Street and Eighth Avenue in Sunset Park around 9:20 p.m. Sunday when the pair drove up behind her on the sidewalk and the back passenger snatched her white handbag, video released late Tuesday shows.

The speed of the moped and the force of the grab caused the women to fall – face-planting on the sidewalk, the clip shows. 

The suspects seen snatching the woman’s purse.
The woman tries to take the take the purse back during the robbery. NYPD
The suspects seen riding off on the moped. NYPD

She was taken to Maimonides Medical Center in stable condition, with injuries to her face and right hand. 

The purse held the victim’s cell phone and about $700, cops said.

Police are still looking for the moped-riding thieves – both seen with their sweatshirt hoods pulled up over their heads.