Food & Drink

Letters to the Editor — May 29, 2022

Med-weight blight
Douglas Murray’s column on obesity mentions that people with genetic or bone-structure issues should not be shamed because of their size (“Talk about obesity risks? Fat chance,” May 20).

Unfortunately, he should have included side effects of certain medications, especially anti-seizure drugs. My twin sister has epilepsy; one of the devastating side effects of her medications is weight gain.

Many people (including those in the medical field) need to be educated about this heartbreaking issue that many people with epilepsy have to deal with.

Alice Hahn
East Orange, NJ

Drag distractions
Do these council members have so much excess free time that they are able to concoct a proposal for a “drag laureate” to serve as an “ambassador to LGBTQ nightlife” (“Big Apple in ‘drag,’ ” May 22)?

There are hundreds of more pressing issues facing the city. I propose a “moronic councilman laureate” to monitor the useless fools that spend time (and taxpayer dollars) thinking up such stupidities.

Richard Rafal

Radical jurists
Bronx Supreme Court Judge Naita Semaj continues to cut violent criminals loose (“It’s judge & fury in Bronx,” May 22).

Herein lies the problem: There’s no way to get rid of a bad jurist. They can be reprimanded or suspended, but history shows they’re never removed.

With jurists like this, and politicians like Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, who refuse to amend the bail-reform laws, New York will continue in a downward spiral.

We, the people, who have to ride the subways and walk the streets, will continue to suffer while the politicians can use security details to take them to and fro.

Bill Verderose

Booze price boost
When I read that Nutcrackers, boozy beachside beverages sold by dune-hopping entrepreneurs, had shot up to $15 a pop, I smiled (“ ’Cracker jacked prices,” May 24).

It’s not that inflation is a grinning matter, but that classy things ought to be expensive. We don’t want to live in a world where lobster tails and gold-leaf-covered steaks are literally a dime a dozen.

Snow crab should cost an arm and a tasty leg. Nutcrackers are cut from the same checkbook. It’s not like we’re talking about hard seltzer here.

Oliver Mosier

Don’t nix nuclear
The Post correctly points out that Albany’s idiotic Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act would cost hundreds of billions and only serve to accelerate the exodus of taxpayers and businesses out of the state (“NY’s ‘Climate’ Suicide,” Editorial, May 23).

However, I was disappointed that there was no mention of the most efficient non-polluting, non-fossil-fuel source of energy that could solve the state’s electricity requirements: nuclear power.

The Indian Point reactor provided New York City with much of its electricity needs for years before then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo caved to the “Green New Deal” zealots’ ideological opposition to anything nuclear, and had the site closed.

The left ignores the science and technological advances and draws a false analogy between nuclear power and destructive nuclear weapons and outdated, outlier cases like Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

Any “Green New Deal” that fails to include nuclear energy as a major component will prove to be a forlorn hope.

Dennis Middlebrooks

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