US News

Salvador Ramos sent chilling messages to girl he’d met online moments before Texas shooting: report

Salvador Ramos sent chilling messages to a girl in Germany shortly before he slaughtered 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in Texas.

Ramos had been chatting with the 15-year-old girl on social media apps and FaceTime. On the day of the shooting, he texted the girl around 11:01 a.m. Central Time and told her that he loved her.

Six minutes later, he said, “I just shot my grandma in her head,” according to CNN. Then, seconds later, he wrote, “Ima go shoot up a[n] elementary school rn [right now].”

The killer said the grandmother was “annoying” him and talking to AT&T about his phone usage.

The messages were sent around 11:21 a.m. Central Time — before he opened fire at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. 

The network obtained screenshots of the exchange and interviewed the teen.

The messages were his last contact with the girl, whom he’d been texting and FaceTiming for weeks.

Ramos told the girl he’d purchased ammunition that would expand when it hit a person. social media/AFP via Getty Image

The two connected on a social media app on May 9. Ramos sent her selfies and told her he planned to visit her in Germany. In another exchange, he sent her a flight itinerary from San Antonio to Frankfurt, CNN reported.

On Monday, Ramos told the girl he’d purchased ammunition that would expand when it hit a person, increasing its lethality.

When the girl asked him what he planned to do, he told her, chillingly: “just wait for it.”

The girl told CNN that the two had spoken daily on FaceTime and several other social media and gaming apps. She said Ramos seemed “happy and comfortable” when they talked and said their conversations were often about her life in Germany. 

She said he spent lots of time alone at home: “Every time I talked to him, he never had plans with his friends.”

While most of their messages seemed innocuous, she said Ramos raised a red flag when he told the girl he “threw dead cats at people’s houses.”

Ramos texted the girl that he shot his grandmother in the head and was going to the elementary school. Brandon Bell/Getty Images

The message exchanges are separate from those he allegedly sent another girl whom Ramos had tagged in an Instagram post displaying the two rifles he had bought on his 18th birthday.

An Instagram account with the username “salv8dor_”, believed to be Ramos’, contained photos of guns and selfies. The account has since been taken down.

He allegedly tagged a complete stranger, a user named @epnupues, who told the Daily Beast that Ramos messaged her that he “got a lil secret.” She said she was scared to be tagged in a post about guns.

At 5:43 a.m. on the day of the shooting, he told the girl “I’m about to.” When she asked him what he planned to do, he responded that he’d tell her “before 11.”

His last message at 9:16 a.m. was “Ima air out.”

Ramos uploaded photos of guns and selfies onto a since-deleted Instagram account. salv8dor_/Instagram