US News

Obama says US is ‘paralyzed’ as Texas school shooting echoes Sandy Hook

Barack Obama paid tribute to the 19 children and two teachers killed in a ruthless massacre in Uvalde, Texas after a gunman opened fire at Robb Elementary School on Tuesday.

Obama — who served as US president from 2009 until 2017 — shared a poignant note on social media, where he highlighted the chilling echo of the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting that left 26 dead.

“Across the country, parents are putting their children to bed, reading stories, singing lullabies— and in the back of their minds, they’re worried about what might happen tomorrow after they drop their kids off at school, or take them to a grocery store or any other public space,” Obama tweeted.

Former President Barack Obama delivers a speech on gun control at the University of Hartford on April 8, 2013 after the Sandy Hook shooting. Obama expressed his sorrow and anger after the most recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Getty Images

“Michelle and I grieve with the families in Uvalde, who are experiencing pain no one should have to bear. We’re also angry for them.”

Obama recalled the tragic massacre that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Dec. 2012, during which he served as president.

Police walk near Robb Elementary School following a shooting, Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas. AP

“Nearly ten years after Sandy Hook — and ten days after Buffalo — our country is paralyzed, not by fear, but by a gun lobby and a political party that have shown no willingness to act in any way that might help prevent these tragedies,” he wrote in a follow-up tweet.

“It’s long past time for action, any kind of action. And it’s another tragedy—a quieter but no less tragic one—for families to wait another day.”

“Nearly ten years after Sandy Hook, our country is paralyzed, not by fear, but by a gun lobby.”

Barack Obama

“May God bless the memory of the victims, and in the words of Scripture, heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds,” he concluded.

In 2013, then-president Obama accused Republican senators of putting politics ahead of safety after they voted against a background check amendment for firearm purchases.

Obama, who made gun control central to his administration’s goals after the Sandy Hook shooting, called Congress’ failure to act “a pretty shameful day for Washington.”

Law enforcement work the scene after a mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Getty Images

The Uvalde shooter was identified as Salvador Ramos, 18. He allegedly shot his grandmother before heading to the elementary school with two assault rifles around 11:32 a.m. local time, according to officials.

The crime spree took place just two days from the end of the school year and sent parents scrambling in a mad search for their children.