
Applaud Georgia for rejecting Trump’s lunacy and Democrats’ own big voting lie

All hail the people of Georgia, who just rejected one poisonous big lie and disproved another.

Republican primary voters overwhelmingly re-nominated Gov. Brian Kemp over ex-Sen. David Perdue, former President Donald Trump’s chosen standard-bearer for his 2020 “stolen election” fantasies.

We wish Kemp huge success in his general election battle with Stacey Abrams, whose “I was robbed” lies rival Trump’s.

Kemp refused to bend to Trump’s will and meddle with the state’s 2020 choice of Joe Biden. All he did was address valid concerns about that year’s voting rules by embracing in 2021 a new voting law that reined in a few irregularities — which prompted Democrats across the nation to start spinning insanity as deranged as Trump’s.

Newly elected President Joe Biden called the law “Jim Crow 2.0.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer claimed it excludes “people of color, young people, urban people” (citing no evidence to back up his claims). House Speaker Nancy Pelosi termed it a bid “to undermine the voting power.” And virtually the whole party followed suit.

Ha! The Peach State just saw record early-voting primary turnout , up 168% from the last gubernatorial primary in 2018 and 212% from the last presidential primary in 2020. Black turnout tripled from 2018.

We don’t expect Biden & Co. to ever acknowledge how outrageously they distorted reality, any more than we do Trump.

But maybe some others will show regret. Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of Atlanta in protest of the law.

The politicians will never say “sorry,” but MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred can at least apologize to the people of Atlanta.