US News

Most Americans say things going badly under ‘distracted’ and ‘incompetent’ Biden: poll

Americans by large majorities are fed up with how President Biden is running the country and have little faith that things will get better soon — sentiments that could prove disastrous for Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections, according to a poll released Sunday.  

Nearly 8 in 10 voters — 77% — say things in America are going “somewhat” or “very” badly, 69% think the economy is “fairly” or “very” bad, and 56% disapprove of how Biden is handling his presidential duties, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll.

Only 44% approve of the job Biden is doing.

Asked about their expected outlook over the coming months, 68% say they are pessimistic about the economy, 77% say the same about the rising cost of goods and services, 67% are worried about the stock market and 57% express concern about their plans for retirement.

But Americans are optimistic about the fight against coronavirus (53%) and jobs in their community (52%).

Faced with inflation rates hovering at 40-year highs and the price of gas inching up to $5 a gallon, respondents were asked what word describes Biden. 

The survey found 77% of participants are “pessimistic” about the rising cost of goods and services in the coming months. J.C.Rice

Fifty-seven percent say “distracted,” 51% say “incompetent,” 47% go with “divisive,” while 45% say he’s “competent” and 40% say he’s “focused.”

But 65% believe he’s slow in reacting to “important issues and events” that arise — including 37% of Democrats.

The poll found that 35% believe he addresses problems right away. 

Asked to describe their feelings about the state of the country, 63% say “uneasy” or “worrying,” 61% opt for “frustrating,” while 11% say “calm,” “secure” 8% and “inspiring” 7%.

According to the poll, 67% of people are concerned about the stock market and 57% are worried about their retirement plans. AP Photo/John Minchillo

Even as Americans vent their frustrations with the president in low polling numbers, they don’t spare Democrats and Republicans.

Only 30% have a “favorable” view of the Republican Party, and 35% say the same thing about the Democratic Party. 

Asked to describe Democrats in a word, 51% of voters chose “weak,” 49% went with “extreme,” 39% say “in touch,” 38% opt for “strong,” and 36% say “effective.”

Of Republicans, 54% say “extreme,” 50% go with “hateful,” 46% say “strong,” 41% opt for “weak,” and 37% say “caring.”

The CBS News/YouGov poll found that 41% of voters believe things are going “very badly” in the United States. CBS News/YouGov

Democrats currently control both the Senate and the House, but those majorities are up for grabs in November’s midterm elections when Republicans hope a red wave will return them to power in Congress.

As for issues, Republicans want their candidates to focus on: dealing with inflation (90%), stopping illegal immigration (89%), and talking about traditional values (86%).

Democrats want their candidates to target inflation (89%), taxing the wealthy (86%), and racial injustice (85%).

Biden received a negative approval rating in several key categories. CBS News/YouGov

Asked about abortion — 83% of Democrats want their nominees to defend the rights enshrined in Roe v. Wade and 59% of Republicans want their candidates to oppose abortion.  

The survey polled 2,041 adults between May 18-20.

 It has a plus/minus 2.5 percentage points margin of error.