
Letters to the Editor — May 22, 2022

Subway shyness
So Mayor Adams wants CEOs of major companies to ride the subways to let their employees know that the city is back (“Mayor to CEOs: Hey, let’s get rail!” May 18).

The only way to get people back to New York City and back to work would be to get the criminals off the street (and keep them off the street), address the homeless problem by getting them the help they need, clean up the filth and assure people that the city is safe.

Summer is upon us, and the city is out of control. If the mayor cannot accomplish these few things, New York will never be back to the great city it was at one time.

Bill McCreary

Dyslexia ID
Mayor Adams claimed, “For the first time, we’re going to screen all New York City school students for dyslexia and give them the support they need to succeed” (“Dyslexia screenings in city schools,” May 13). But this is not new.

Educators recognized the need for early identification to maximize remediation strategies, and thus DIAL testing in kindergarten classes was started in New York City public schools decades ago.

DIAL testing identifies students’ abilities in motor skills, language and concepts — an early identifier of possible learning disabilities.

Thank you, Mayor Adams, for addressing this important issue. Accurate early identification and remediation can only help our students to reach their potential.

Ruth Jacobs

Hochul’s priorities
Thursday’s Post quotes Gov. Hochul as declaring “domestic terrorism to be public enemy No. 1” and “the most significant threat we face as a state and as a nation.” (“ ���Domestic terror’ fight,” May 19).

One can then assume that for the governor rampant crime, filthy and unsafe streets, an overpriced transit system people are terrified to use, meaningful changes to “bail reform,” ineffective mental-health services for the homeless and a public school system that can’t get half its students reading or doing math on level are all on the back burner. That explains a lot.

Is it possible that the governor has not consulted with the public as to what it considers to be “public enemy No. 1?” And No. 2 and 3 and 4? Perhaps.

Anthony Parks
Garden City

FAA’s ageism
Ending the Federal Aviation Administration’s requirement for mandatory retirement at age 65 would ease the airline pilot shortage (“Scarcity of airline pilots,” May 16).

This rule is unfair and unrealistic. Pilots’ job tenure should be based on their skills and performance, not the date on their birth certificates.

All commercial airline pilots now undergo mandatory medical exams every six months, so any age-related decline in reflexes, coordination and motor skills can be measured.

Older pilots bring valuable experience to the cockpit. The United States faces a shortage of over 12,000 airline pilots by 2023. Allowing older pilots to fly makes sense and is good ethics. Age discrimination should not be permitted on the ground or at 35,000 feet.

Richard Reif

Abuse tragedy
To the people in Shalom Guifarro’s building who did absolutely nothing, knowing that this poor child was being abused: You are just as guilty as her monster mom in her death (“Mom charged in child slay,” May 17).

The child cannot defend herself. You heard what was going on but didn’t get involved. Pathetic.

Jennifer Watts

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.