
Gov. Hochul’s post-Buffalo massacre ideas show heart, but not much promise

In the aftermath of the Buffalo massacre, Gov. Kathy Hochul unveiled a slate of repackaged legislative ideas and executive orders in the name of preventing domestic terrorism. But only one idea has much promise.

One executive order pushes the State Police to more often file for extreme risk protection orders under the state’s red flag law — which permits a judge to revoke someone’s gun rights if they are deemed a threat to themselves or others. But state cops have had that ability since 2019, and gotten the courts to issue 300 red-flag orders. How many more could they get?

Heck, the Buffalo shooter passed his mental exam (after threatening to shoot up a school). So he was free to acquire the Bushmaster XM-15 assault-style rifle used in the Tops Friendly Market attack.

She also ordered up a new State Police unit to track online hate-speech and extremism. OK, but the Internet’s huge, and just 7,000 state cops are already stretched thin from Watertown to Elmira to Montauk.

Most on-point, Hochul now wants the Legislature to letIn the aftermath of the Buffalo massacre, Gov. Kathy Hochul refuses to enpower local law enforcement with prosecuting gun cases. request red-flag orders from local courts. That could make a difference, but the current Assembly and Senate majorities are allergic to empowering local cops and judges, and have just six working days left in this year’s session.

Hochul also called for passage of the microstamping bill, first proposed a decade ago, to require that firing pins mark bullets and shell casings with a unique serial number to ID that it came from a specific weapon. But it’s not clear that the technology yet exists to make it a reality. Anyway, that’d help in solving crimes, not much in preventing them.

NYPD Officers Jason Rivera and Wilbert Mora's names will be added to the 32nd Precinct's wall of fallen police officers on May 20, 2022 inside the precinct on 135th Street in Manhattan, NY.
Gov. Kathy Hochul and Albany Democrats refuse to help NYPD officers request red-flag orders. J. Messerschmidt

Give the gov credit for trying to do something in the wake of her hometown horror, but beyond her expanded red-flag idea (which targets potential perps more than guns) we’re not sure what new laws could help stop mass shooters.

Heck, the shooter’s extra-large magazine was an apparent violation of the SAFE Act that then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo rammed through after the Newtown, Conn. school massacre. The real answers here likely go far deeper than mere laws.