US News

Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli is apparently already on Bumble after prison release

For single New Yorkers, it’s a hard pill to swallow.

Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli has been out of prison for a day and is apparently already looking for love on the dating app Bumble.

Shkreli — who became “America’s most hated man” when he jacked up the price of a life-saving drug by 5,000% —  fired up a profile on the app proclaiming he’s 39 and available, BuzzFeed culture reporter Stephanie McNeal revealed on Twitter.

“Martin Shkreli has been out of prison for 2 minutes and is already apparently on Bumble,” she tweeted Thursday morning, along with his profile pic.

The photo of Shkreli — who was released from federal prison, then checked into a halfway house in New York on Wednesday — shows him grinning, with graying facial stubble and a drab background.

He was freed less than five years into his seven-year sentence for defrauding hedge fund investors.

Christie Smythe, the ex-journalist he dumped while behind bars, was quick to declare that she wanted to “see him” and “give him a hug.”

“I’ll always have feelings for him,” the former Bloomberg reporter told The Post Wednesday.

But Shkreli appeared more interested in playing the field than rekindling the spark with Smythe, judging by his apparent Bumble presence as of around 10 a.m. Thursday.

Shkreli was released to a halfway house five years into his seven year sentence.
Shkreli was released to a New York halfway house five years into his seven-year sentence. REUTERS/Amr Alfiky/File Photo

Shkreli became a poster boy for corporate greed for jacking up the price of the anti-parasitic drug Daraprim in 2015.

He was convicted of defrauding hedge fund investors in 2017.