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Johnny Cash mural on water tower shot by vandal, springs embarrassing leak

A hot new Johnny Cash performance just started streaming.

A silhouette of the late country music legend on his hometown’s water tower is making a splash, after a vandal shot a hole in the image’s crotch area and left “The Man in Black” leaking from a most unfortunate spot, reports said.

The suspect with apparently uncanny aim damaged the tower in Kingsland, Ark., on Wednesday, according to the Cleveland County Herald, which first posted the viral video of the Cash mural quickly becoming the town’s No. 1 attraction.

It was still leaking this week and is under repair, TND reported.

Kingsland, a small town of 400 people where Cash was born in 1932, spent almost $300,000 refurbishing the tank last year, the Herald reported.

Some commenters on Facebook found the leak “hilarious,” with one user suggesting the town install a remote valve to make it leak on the hour.

Water tower with leak
A vandal managed to spring a leak in the water tower mural of Johnny Cash. Britt Talent/Cleveland County Herald

“Would be a better tourist attraction than the Old Faithful geyser!” he said.

“That’s really messed up, this is the town’s water!” said another, before adding “also hell of a shot.”

But it’s no laughing matter to Kingsland officials, who asked residents with information to “Walk the Line” over to the local sheriff or water department.

Water tower with leak
Johnny Cash was born in the small town of Kingsland in 1932. Cleveland County Herald

“People thinks it funny but a lot of hard work and effort went into getting the grant to get this painted,” Betty Graham, the town’s water office manager, said on Facebook. “It’s sad that someone could do this.”