
Letters to the Editor — May 12, 2022

The Issue: President Biden’s claims that inflation has been caused by the pandemic and the Ukraine war.

During the 2020 campaign, President Biden claimed that if elected he would “do his job and take responsibility; I won’t blame others” (“Malarkey,” May 11).

As with everything else he has said, he flip-flopped on that. Despite the fact that he shut down a pipeline and threw away our energy independence on Day 1, he continues to blame every one but himself.

The oil companies, meat purveyors, Russian President Vladimir Putin, former President Donald Trump and the American people all have been used as scapegoats and excuses for Biden. I’d like to think that the American people aren’t buying what he’s selling, but I have my doubts.

Rob Cerone


Biden does not know how to tell the truth or do what is right for America. He has not come up with any solutions to the many problems he has caused.

He lies and blames everyone else for his failures, and only follows the socialist agenda of his handlers.

I find it hard to believe there are still some people who back him and his views. This man has done nothing but harm America since becoming president.

I hope everyone remembers all his failures and the failures of his socialist followers when they vote in the next election.

Robert Lintner

Saddle Brook, N.J.

The “historic” presidency continues — high gas prices, inflation, supply-chain breakdowns (including a shortage of baby formula), buying oil at much higher prices from countries that hate us to replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and on and on.

This is what happens when you fill your Cabinet with check-the-box incompetent bureaucrats who have no real world experience or qualifications.

Quick, call a tailor — the befuddled old man at the podium has no clothes.

Joe Alloy

Wayne, NJ

Any clear-thinking Amer­ican who watched Biden fumble and stumble through that press conference on inflation has to be concerned for our country.

This man is lost. He is dangerous. And the saddest part of all is he doesn’t realize how inept he is. There is no way he lasts two more years. Only a GOP-controlled Congress can save America from the soon-to-be President Kamala Harris.

Joe Nugent

Staten Island

Biden told the American people Tuesday that soaring inflation was a “real tough problem to solve” and then proceeded to call them “confused” and “not focused” on the real cause of soaring prices.

If you don’t understand math, then “1 + 1” is a tough problem to solve. If you don’t understand that flooding the market with free money results in higher prices, then inflation is a tough problem to solve.

If you don’t understand that restricting the supply of oil results in higher gas prices, then lowering gas prices is a tough problem to solve.

But fear not, Joe: If you think the American voters are “confused and “not focused,” that is an easy problem to solve — and they will solve it in November.

Jack Kaufman

Naples, Fla.

Biden uses COVID as one of his excuses for high inflation. Back when he was running for president, he claimed he would defeat COVID. Well, it’s 15 months since he took office, and COVID is still a problem.

I’m amazed how he is using one of his failures as an excuse for his other failures. How pathetic.

Tom Vespo


The ever-lying word­smith Biden always twists and distorts the actual dreadful facts to make all of his failing policies — like on energy, inflation, the border, his COVID response — sound like total successes.

This proves once again, beyond any shadow of a doubt: This man is totally and definitively out of his right mind.

He is most assuredly being propped up and given all of his talking points and speeches by use of a teleprompter.

Mike Pedano

South Farmingdale

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