
The growing attacks on cops and other commentary

Police beat: The Growing Attacks on Cops

Per Fraternal Order of Police data, the number of US law-enforcement officers “shot in the line of duty this year through May 1” hit 123, a 35% increase over 2021, reports City Journal’s Charles Lain Lehman. “Long-run data also suggest that policing has indeed gotten more dangerous since 2020, reversing its dramatic decline” since the 1990s. And the surge in “ambush-style attacks” on cops suggests “offenders are not only more violent” but also “feel less inhibition” in attacking officers, thanks to “increasing hostility” toward police from “civilian leadership.” This “rising prevalence of officer injuries and deaths augurs poorly for efforts to curtail the national violent crime spike.”

From the right: Orwellian Erasure of Women

“During my recent treatment for breast cancer, a nurse assured me that my ‘chest cancer’ prognosis was promising,” notes Patricia Posner at The Wall Street Journal. “It was the first time I had personally encountered the effort to ‘degender’ medicine.” It’s now widespread: Since 2020, Harvard Medical School has been “declaring that ‘not all who give birth’ are women.” But “certain biological and physical differences . . . affect only women. I am sorry if this offends anyone, but men don’t menstruate” or give birth. Women “are incrementally being erased in a rush of political correctness to ensure no trans person is offended,” yet “most women are quiet for fear of being attacked as bigots.” But “It’s Orwellian that today many of us feel compelled to remain silent about our female bodies, motherhood and our health as women.”

Conservative: Dems Promised Calm, Deliver Rage

The Democratic Party sold “itself in 2020 as America’s choice for calm, cool and collected,” recalls The Federalist’s Eddie Scarry. Yes, “the people who whipped up mass COVID hysteria and instigated months of violent Black Lives Matter rioting were the same ones who insisted” they’d “settle everything down.” Two years on, “the left is as obnoxious and bitter as ever. Winning the White House and taking full control of Congress” only made them “worse.” When a Supreme Court draft opinion on abortion leaked, “Democrats immediately began reminding us how uncomfortable things can be when they don’t get their way.” Mobs have protested at justices’ homes, and left-wing pundits say of the court, “Let’s burn this place down.” It seems the “angry, vindictive left is here to stay.”

White House watch: Joe’s Anti-Israel New Spox

“The new White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre,” reports National Review’s David Harsanyi, authored a 2019 Newsweek piece “urging Democrats to skip the AIPAC conference.” It “doesn’t openly contend that Israel shouldn’t exist,” but “her regurgitation of BDS talking points says just as much.” She “claims that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee fails to uphold ‘progressive values’ by inviting a prime minister from the only nation in the Middle East where Muslim votes count.” She slams AIPAC’s “severely racist, Islamophobic rhetoric” — but, Harsanyi notes, “doesn’t offer a single quote or hyperlink substantiating the contention.” “ She can’t,” since AIPAC is “one of the most milquetoast organizations in D.C.” It’s “so sensitive to partisan criticism that it supported a trip to Israel for antisemites Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.”

Legal desk: Fall of a Dem Superlawyer

Democratic superlawyer Marc Elias, notes The Washington Free Beacon’s Kevin Daley, is having a bad run. He was “laughed out of court” over his defense of NY’s legislative gerrymander — and slapped by special counsel John Durham for “an attempt to shield [his firm’s] communications” on Russiagate with smear-merchant Fusion GPS. “Elias’ tactics are now drawing rebukes from judges, prosecutors and even fellow Democrats.” All this after “blundering into a major defeat in the Supreme Court in 2021” on voting rights. And now Durham’s “submitted a second filing” on Elias’ “relationship with Fusion” — “a sure sign that the special counsel isn’t letting the matter lie, and a request for sanctions could be near.”

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board