
‘My Son Hunter’ producer accuses first son’s lawyer pal of ‘spying’ on filmmakers

The Hollywood lawyer who’s developing a legal and media strategy for Hunter Biden — and allegedly loaned him more than $2 million to pay his tax debts — was accused Tuesday of “spying” on an independent movie about the scandal-scarred first son and his dad, President Joe Biden.

Phelim McAleer, a producer of “My Son Hunter,” alleged that lawyer Kevin Morris and two associates flew on a private jet to the film’s set in Serbia and claimed to be making a documentary focused on Hunter Biden’s “corruption.”

In a press release, McAleer said Morris and his colleagues were given full access to the set and allowed to interview McAleer, co-producer Ann McElhinney and the cast over several days, including during lengthy dinners.

But recent revelations about the relationship between Morris and Hunter Biden led McAleer to reevaluate the visit, he said.

“They seemed to never switch the camera off – now I know why. This was an information gathering exercise by a lawyer and his associates for their client,” McAleer said.

“Now that I know of his representation of Hunter Biden, his questions while they were filming suddenly make a lot of sense. I thought he was just making a documentary but now it appears he was deceptively spying for his client Hunter Biden.”

Kevin Morris
Kevin Morris also known as Biden’s “Sugar brother” and lawyer scooped out the “My Son Hunter” documentary set without letting them know his connection to the first son. Getty Images/ Alberto E. Rodriguez

Morris didn’t immediately return a phone message seeking comment.

On Sunday, CBS News reported that Morris’s office confirmed he was helping Hunter Biden with his legal and image problems amid a federal grand jury probe of the first son, and Hunter Biden lawyer Chris Clark told the network that Morris was serving as both an “attorney and trusted adviser.”

CBS also said that Morris — who reportedly negotiated deals worth nearly $1.5 billion for the creators of “South Park” and was a co-producer of their Tony-winning hit Broadway musical “The Book of Mormon” — had paid Hunter Biden’s tax debts and was working on a documentary about his life since he’s come under scrutiny for his controversial overseas business deals.

Phelim McAleer
Phelim McAleer, a producer of “My Son Hunter,” said he realized the men were there for other reasons. Getty Images/ Maury Phillips

A source familiar with the men’s relationship told The Post that Hunter Biden’s tax bill topped $2 million and that Morris was also paying the rent on Hunter Biden’s swank, $20,000-a-month home in Malibu, California.

“My Son Hunter,” now in post-production, is being financed with donations through its website, which says it’s raised more than $2.5 million toward a goal of $2.75 million.

It stars British actor and conservative activist Laurence Fox in the title role, “Dynasty” actor John James as Joe Biden and ousted “The Mandalorian” co-star Gina Carano as a Secret Service agent.