
Letters to the Editor — May 11, 2022

The Issue: Johnny Depp’s behavior during the defamation trial against his ex-wife Amber Heard.

Thanks to Maureen Callahan for her article on Johnny Depp (“Gen X hero revealed as ‘villain,’ ” May 5).

I thought I was going crazy. It’s very obvious he’s been verbally, emotionally and physically abusive, and I am still in shock at how many supporters he has.

The complete vilification of Amber Heard and martyrdom of Depp have been very triggering to read about, as I have also been in an abusive relationship where people on the outside thought my abuser was a “nice” guy. Thank you again for speaking on this.

Britta Moore

Tampa, Fla.

Callahan’s coverage of the Depp v. Heard trial has been outstanding. Thank you. I so appreciate good journalism that is balanced and thorough.

As a lawyer myself, I’ve been fascinated by this trial but have found the media coverage of it to be misogynistic in tone.

Ellen Sturm,


Great piece on Depp’s case falling apart. I have been scratching my head as to why there’s so much hatred aimed at Heard. She sure seems like a victim to me, and Depp sure seems like an abuser. The whole bot-fueled online mass misogyny is bewildering to me.

David Sergenian

Los Angeles, Calif.

Thanks to Callahan for her coverage of Heard’s testimony in court.

I’ve watched with dismay as the public has been largely duped by Depp’s smear campaign, which bears all the hallmarks of a narcissist attempting to rehabilitate his image by discrediting his victim.

I have been particularly disheartened by posts from those claiming to have dealt with narcissists themselves, all buying into Depp’s (false) claim of having been the “real” victim in that relationship.

If Heard’s behavior was not always ideal (which may be an understatement), it is understandable to anyone who has truly been through the narcissist’s crazy-making cycles of idealizing and devaluing, love-bombing and then ghosting.

Depp’s problems with drug abuse and violent outbursts go back decades, long before his relationship with Heard, and his smug, smirking courtroom demeanor is not charming.

Susan Schaar

Spokane, Wash.

Thanks for the Depp piece. There are too few voices talking about the power dynamics, age difference and textbook signs of domestic violence on display here.

Lisa Foss Young


The Issue: The distribution of a children’s book about race in city schools in Staten Island and Brooklyn.

The book “Our Skin” is at best ignorant and at worst will continue to fuel hatred between children of color and white children (“Under their skin,” May 8).

What should be emphasized is not the past, but the wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which is important and relevant for all of us — young and old — today.

We need to teach our children of all racial, ethnic and religious belief systems about “content of character.”

As Dr. King said: “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” The children’s book “Our Skin” makes us into fools.

Martin Garfinkle

Staten Island

Meghan Madison is another activist taking the country in the wrong direction, and this woke city rewarded her.

The Department of Education survives on taxpayer money. Therefore, it should have to explain why it bought and distributed a book that I imagine most parents don’t agree with.

If the DOE didn’t buy this garbage, there would be no sales of this book.

Joe Micare


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.