
Fertility expert shares what foods will help you get pregnant

A fertility expert has revealed the foods women should eat if they want to get pregnant.

And she warned many are making conception more difficult by cutting it out.

Grace Dugdale, a reproductive biologist and nutrition scientist at Balance Fertility, who co-authored The Fertility Book, cautioned against a veggie diet.

She said vegans might have a lack of vitamins and nutrients needed to help a baby grow, The Daily Mail reported, and may need to play “catch-up”. 

Eating a little more fish, meat, eggs and dairy would boost the chances of a baby, she said.

Addressing the Fertility Show which was held in London at the weekend, Grace said: “I completely understand the ethical and environmental reasons why people are vegan and people must do what they feel is right for them

“Testing levels of vitamins and minerals tells us if an individual’s dietary pattern is meeting the nutritional demands of their body, and vegan patients often have low levels of key nutrients needed for development of the baby.

“I sometimes tell women trying to conceive who have depleted levels of these nutrients that they would benefit from starting to eat a small amount of meat and fish.

“Eggs and dairy contain important nutrients needed for fertility and pregnancy.”

Plant-based diets are beneficial for a number of reasons, having been found to reduce the risk of severe COVID, diabetes and death from heart problems.

But they come with potential risks, most notably nutrient deficiencies.

The main three deficiencies include calcium, iron and vitamin B12, the NHS says, while a lack of zinc and Omega 3 can also occur.

It’s possible to get enough of these vital nutrients from a plant-based diet, but it is harder and may require supplementation.

Even if a woman does get pregnant while cutting out meat and dairy, it’s vital she considers her diet moving forward.

For example, anaemia, caused by lack of iron, needs treatment before pregnancy.

A woman needs to eat a varied and balanced diet while pregnant to ensure the baby is healthy and growing properly. 

It is less clear how much diet influences the odds of conceiving – but it definitely plays some role, experts say.

Other diet tips when trying for a baby include:

Cut the junk

Dr. Michael Eisenberg, fertility expert and medical adviser to Twoplus Fertility, previously told The Sun that couples hoping to conceive should ditch the takeaways and fast food.

He highlighted one study, published by the Brazilian Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Association that showed that trans-fat intake was associated with lower fertility.

Over processed foods may also contribute to a higher BMI – and a healthy weight is considered important for baby-making.

Watch the partying

Men and women should both cut back on the boozy nights out if they want to be parents, experts say.

Both smoking and drinking can dimish fertility, and also decreases the likelihood of a fertilised egg implanting. 

If a woman does get pregnant, it could lead to miscarriage or birth defects.

Dr. Irfana Koita, Director and Fertility consultant at IVF Matters Clinic, told The Sun lifestyle “play a major role when trying to conceive”.

She said: “The recommended weekly allowance for women who are trying to conceive is two to three units, which is a pint of lager or two small wines. For men, it’s under five units.

“Binge drinking must be avoided and can affect the quality of the sperm for up to three months.”

Boozing can impact fertility, according to experts.
Boozing can impact fertility, according to experts. Shutterstock

Don’t use fad diets

Professor Nick Macklon, medical director of fertility clinic The London Women’s Clinic, said fad diets can affect a woman’s fertility.

He warned against diets that cut out foods, such as veganism or the keto diet.

“Ketogenic diets have been shown to be detrimental to embryo quality in women undergoing IVF treatment,” Dr. Mecklon claimed.

“From a medical perspective, having a healthy balanced diet, based on a variety of foods in the right proportions, should be the overall goal to ensure you are absorbing the correct minerals and nutrients.”

Moderate exercise can help you get pregnant.
Moderate exercise can help you get pregnant. Shutterstock

Exercise, but don’t overdo it

Diet is complemented by exercise. 

Professor Luciano Nardo, founder of NOW-fertility, told The Sun it will contrubute to healthy weight, which will in turn benefit those trying for a baby.

But as well as being overweight, being underweight can alter hormones in the body needed for a healthy reproductive cycle. 

Prof Nardo said: “Women still need to keep a healthy, good diet; they need to do regular but not excessive exercise.”

Too much exercise can inhibit ovulation, which is needed for pregnancy. A sign of this is periods stopping.

For men, carrying too much weight can reduce fertility.

For example, one study found those who are overweight were 11 per cent more likely to have a low sperm count.

This story originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced here with permission.