
Letters to the Editor — May 10, 2022

The Issue: Manhattan Museum of Jewish Heritage’s refusal to host an event with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

In her column, Karol Markowicz reflects on the seemingly unbreakable bond between Jews and liberalism (“Shutting out the ‘Wrong Kind of Jew,’ ” PostOpinion, May 9).

That Manhattan’s Museum of Jewish Heritage canceled an event because Florida Gov. DeSantis was invited to speak exemplifies how strong this traditional alliance is.

It seems the governor did not align with the museum’s message of inclusivity, despite having a heralded history of support for the Jewish community in Florida and Israel.

The power of the anti-Semitic radical left rears it ugly head again. The liberal/Jewish connection needs to be severed, given the recent extreme shift of the Democratic Party.

Roberta Charak

Boca Raton, Fla.

By canceling the Jewish Leadership Conference’s event with Gov. DeSantis, the Manhattan Museum of Jewish Heritage signifies its worship at the golden calf of woke culture, rather than its commitment to the memories of those lost in the Holocaust and the values they represent.

DeSantis is the governor of a state where Jews have flourished. He has enacted legislation protecting the safety and security of Jewish schools and synagogues in the face of a frightening upsurge of anti-Semitism in this country.

The Museum eschews traditional Jewish values of free speech, tolerance and humanism in favor of false “virtues” like suppression, intolerance and virtue-signaling.

Marc E. Kasowitz


The leadership of the Museum of Jewish Heritage appears to have conveniently lost sight of a number of basic issues relating to Jewish history.

Those who sought our destruction were not interested in any one Jew’s level of religious observance or political leaning. All Jews were viewed through the same distorted lens and endured the same fate. All were to be isolated, expelled or exterminated.

The museum’s decision to cancel an event simply because DeSantis was chosen as a scheduled speaker is both telling and disheartening.

The leadership’s agenda would be best served by changing the museum’s name to “The Museum of Partisan Politics and Jewish Heritage.” S. P. Hersh Lawrence

I want to thank Markowicz for her article on my governor, DeSantis. I totally agree with her, and I thank her for speaking the truth.

I am an Orthodox Jew, a Republican, a conservative and an admirer of DeSantis. A couple of years ago, anti-Semitism was rampant here in Florida, and I worried as I went to pray there would be an attack, as had occurred elsewhere.

Every Sabbath, an off-duty police person was standing outside guarding the synagogue.

Since DeSantis took a stand, there is no need for armed security outside on the Sabbath and Holy Days or any days. That is not what is happening in New York City.

Shame on Jews who stand with the ultra-left who hate Israel and align themselves with terrorists against all Jews.

Ruth Ort

Maitland, Fla.

The irony is that the Museum of Jewish Heritage’s purpose in honoring the Holocaust entails grasping the intolerance that precipitated it.

Not only did the institution violate its own mission, but it struck against another Jewish organization that works to support Jewish political participation. This is beyond confounding.

The incident shows that individuals with a broader political agenda have infiltrated the museum and likely other such institutions. What a shame.

Stanley Rubin

Fresh Meadows

So the Museum of Jewish Heritage hosted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who supports the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement, yet it won’t let Gov. DeSantis speak at an event.

DeSantis is a proud and vocal supporter of Israel and has signed legislation in Florida providing millions of dollars in security for Jewish day schools.

Clearly, the Museum of Jewish Heritage cares as much about the Jewish people as Gertrude Stein.

Richard Sherman

Margate, Fla.

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