
Here are what couples waste their money on at weddings

There’s a lot to consider when it comes to planning a wedding, each decision has a hefty price tag attached to it.

It’s not uncommon for couples to only realize how much money they wasted on unnecessary faff.

Luckily, the pros at Insider got some of the best wedding experts to reveal the trends that are alright to skip on your big day.

Champagne toasts

Marie Kubin, founder and CEO of Rent My Wedding, revealed that the trend is a pricey one that is also a bit outdated.

He said: “Not all guests like Champagne, so there will almost always be full glasses left on the table and extra unopened bottles,

“That’s money wasted.”

Of course, you can still do a toast, but there’s no point splashing out on champagne, especially for it.

Many guests leave behind full glasses of pricey Champagne, Marie Kubin said. Shutterstock

Balloon backdrops

Just because they’re at every Instagrammers events doesn’t mean they have to be at your wedding.

“You don’t want your reception looking like a birthday party,” said Marie.

“Balloon backdrops rarely provide an elegant, wedding-worthy look.” 

If you do want an area dedicated to snapping some pics, the pro suggests using some greenery as a backdrop instead.

Marie explains that a balloon backdrop can make your wedding reception look like a birthday party. Shutterstock

Personalized napkins and place settings

You’ve probably been to a wedding where the couple has added their initials or even the wedding date onto napkins, but you probably didn’t give it a second thought.

So why waste money on them for your big day?

Kiana Jepsen, event and wedding manager for Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa said: “Printed bar napkins are an expensive detail that is normally barely noticed throughout the event,”

“Using plain cocktail napkins in a color or print that coordinates with the wedding theme may be a cheaper option.”

Not only that but pricey personalized place settings are unnecessary, there’s no use for them after the fact, opt for something cheaper and more simple.

Printed bar napkins are expensive, but likely not noticed, Kiana Jepsen said. Shutterstock

Doughnut walls

By this point, you’ve probably seen them at one event or another, and yeah, it might’ve seemed cool the first time.

The trend is so overdone that it’s lost its wow factor.

“In reality, no one wants to eat doughnuts that have been hanging on a wall for six hours,” Marie said.

“Plus, the doughnut wall is so trendy that you’ll cringe when you see it in your photos a few years from now.” 

Doughnut walls are trendy and overdone, experts say. Shutterstock

Skip printed wedding programs

They might be nice to look back on for you and your fiancé, but in reality, no one else is going to hang on to them.

Cavin Elizabeth, wedding photographer and owner of couture wedding boutique The White Flower, told Insider that the trend can quickly add up.

“Your ceremony isn’t a complicated business seminar that needs an itinerary.

“Having a printed program not only adds to your budget, it’s also not environmentally friendly.”

Printed programs will be thrown out by most guests, making them wasteful. Shutterstock

Food trucks

They might look really cool but are one of the bigger splurges couples splash out on for their day.

“No one expects to be fed twice at a wedding reception, so don’t feel pressured to bring in a food truck to feed guests again at the end of the night,” the pro said.

If you want to include more food after the main meal, opt for a cheaper option like a dessert table.

Food trucks for exiting guests are very expensive, but not necessary, experts say. Shutterstock

This story originally appeared on The Sun and has been reproduced here with permission.