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Here’s the profane password Hunter Biden reportedly used for laptop

Hunter Biden used a profoundly profane password to protect one of his laptop computers, according to the repairman at the center of the scandal over the first son’s emails.

In “American Injustice: My Battle to Expose the Truth,” John Paul Mac Isaac details the day in April 2019 when Biden, reeking of booze, allegedly stumbled into his Wilmington, Del., shop shortly before closing time.

Biden carried three MacBook Pro computers and said, “I need the data recovered off these, but they all have liquid damage and won’t turn on,” Mac Isaac wrote in the book, according to an excerpt obtained by The Post.

One, a 15-inch model, “was a complete write-off” but another “was in slightly better shape” although “the keyboard was unresponsive,” Mac Isaac wrote.

“I pulled out an external keyboard and asked for permission to log in. Hunter started laughing,” Mac Isaac recalls.

“‘My password is f–ked up. Don’t be offended!’ he said.”

Biden then reportedly revealed the password was “‘analf–k69’ or something to that extent,” with Mac Isaac noting that Biden’s “inebriated condition” made it hard to understand him.

After loaning Biden the keyboard and sending him on his way, Mac Isaac grabbed a beer and got to work extracting the data from the third laptop’s hard drive.

Hunter Biden
The White House has long denied the content of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“It took only a few files before I noticed pornography appearing in the right column,” Mac Isaac wrote.

“This is a vocational hazard; I’d gotten rather used to and gave it no mind. I was a little amazed by the sheer quantity though, and by the boldness of leaving porn files on one’s desktop.”

Mac Isaac also wrote that he found a Jan. 16, 2017, email that listed taxable income in annual amounts that reached “$2,478,000+ in 2015.”

“I was blown away. All that money and this a–hole couldn’t spring for a backup drive!” he wrote.

Mac Isaac has said he took legal possession of the laptop and its hard drive after they were abandoned at his shop.

In December 2019, the FBI seized the gear from Mac Isaac as part of a grand jury probe of Biden that reportedly involves potential tax fraud, money laundering and violations of lobbying laws.

The following October, The Post obtained a copy of the hard drive and exclusively reported on its existence and contents, including details of his controversial overseas business dealings and sexually explicit photos and videos.

At the time, Mac Isaac, who is legally blind, told The Post that he couldn’t positively identify the person who left the laptop with him as Hunter Biden.

John Paul Mac Isaac, a Delaware computer repairman who went public with the sordid contents of Hunter Biden’s hard drive, at his home on Thursday, March 10, 2022 in Wilmington, Del.
John Paul Mac Isaac was stunned by “the sheer quantity” of pornography on Hunter Biden’s laptop. James Keivom

The Post’s exposé ignited a firestorm of opposition, including unproven claims that the material on the hard drive may have been Russian disinformation.

Twitter and Facebook also took steps to limit sharing of the story, including by locking out The Post from its own Twitter account for two weeks, which incoming owner Elon Musk has called “obviously incredibly inappropriate.”

Both The New York Times and The Washington Post have since authenticated many of the emails.

When The Post first revealed the existence of the laptop, Biden’s lawyer declined to comment, citing former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s role in handing over a copy of the hard drive and saying, “He has been pushing widely discredited conspiracy theories about the Biden family, openly relying on actors tied to Russian intelligence.”

In an interview with CBS News last year, Biden — who’s acknowledged struggling with drug and alcohol addictions — said he “really” didn’t know if the laptop left at Mac Isaac’s shop was his.

“Certainly, there could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me,” he said.

“It could be that I was hacked, it could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.”