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Timothy Cardinal Dolan makes surprise visit to Ukraine

Cardinal Timothy Dolan made a surprise visit to Ukraine on Monday.

The Catholic archbishop of New York posted a video to Twitter from Lviv in western Ukraine.

“We didn’t know for sure if we’d be able to get here, but — thanks be to God — we were able to leave Poland yesterday and come here to Ukraine,” said Dolan, who has been touring refugee and aid facilities in neighboring Poland and Slovakia.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan on a surprise visit to Liviv, Ukraine.
Dolan had been touring refugee and aid facilities in Poland and Slovakia before crossing the border into Ukraine. REUTERS
Dolan meeting with Ukrainians who were displace by the Russian invasion. Archdiocese of New York

While in Ukraine, Dolan said, he has met with several internally displaced Ukrainians, including a 94-year-old woman from the Donbas region and a family that fled Mariupol.

The United Nations estimates about 7.7 million people have been displaced within Ukraine by the fighting.

Alongside video showing pallets of donated fresh water, Dolan beseeched his social-media followers to continue donating goods and money to relief efforts in Ukraine.

Dolan speaking with a elderly Ukrainian woman during his visit. Archdiocese of New York
Dolan urged his social media followers to continue donating to Ukrainian relief efforts. Archdiocese of New York

“I have to pass it on to you, because I’ve heard it again and again,” he tweeted. ” ‘Tell the folks of the United States how grateful we are for their help.’ “