
How bad must NYC crime get before other pols start backing Mayor Adams?

Even as the Legislature refuses to make real fixes to its disastrous “reforms” of recent years, the barrage of horrific crimes is accelerating. Consider the news of just the last few days:

Add in Kerry J. Byrne’s shocker in Sunday’s Post about Manhattan luxury retailers locking their doors and dimming lights to avoid robbers, who’ve made off with hundreds of thousands of dollars in merchandise in recent months, with those who are caught often not prosecuted by soft-on-crime District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

It’s pure insanity. Four months into Mayor Eric Adams’ time, the city’s still headed in the wrong direction: Major crimes are up 42% this year, with grand larcenies rising 54%, robberies 45% and car thefts 65% (double from two years ago).

Adams is trying: He restored a version of the anti-gun units, and on Saturday met with commanders and top brass to brainstorm further. But the Legislature, City Council and DAs like Bragg all seem to be on the other side. How bad does it have to get before other New York politicians back the mayor and get serious about crime?