US News

Less than a third of Americans approve of Biden’s performance on economy

Less than a third of Americans approve of President Biden’s handling of the economy — and an overwhelming majority admit they are “upset” or “concerned” by soaring inflation, according to the latest unflattering poll.

More than nine in 10 Americans (94%) say they are worried about spiking prices as inflation climbs to a 40-year high under the 46th president, according to the most recent ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted last week.

As a result, only a meager 28% “approve” of Biden’s job performance when it comes to the economy.

The biting results don’t bode well for Democrats heading into the midterm elections.

Fifty percent of respondents said they trust the GOP to better handle both inflation and the economy, compared to 31% and 36%, respectively, who are keeping faith in the Democrat Party.

The survey also found that the president’s overall job approval rating remained in the low 40s — with 42% of Americans approving of his performance and 52% disapproving.

The survey found that the president’s overall job approval rating remained in the low 40s — with 42% of Americans approving of his performance and 52% disapproving. NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images
More than nine in 10 Americans (94%) say they are worried about spiking prices as inflation climbs to a 40-year high. ÂPhoto by Richard B. Levine

It is a small jump from Biden’s 37% approval rate in February, but those who “strongly” disapprove outnumber those who “strongly” approve by a 2-1 margin, according to the poll.

Still, voters remain closely divided over which party they will support in the upcoming elections. While other recent polling has indicated a GOP advantage, the ABC News/Washington Poll survey found that Democratic candidates hold a razor-thin lead of 46% to 45% over Republicans. 

The survey was conducted among 1,004 adults across the US from April 24 to 28 and carries a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points. 

A new survey found that less than a third of Americans approve of President Biden’s handling of the economy as inflation continues to rise. Christopher Sadowski

Meanwhile, Biden tried to make light of his tanking approval rating, cracking a joke about it during Saturday’s White House Correspondents Dinner. 

“Special thanks to the 42% of you that actually applauded,” the president said as he took the stage. 

“I’m really excited to be here tonight with the only group of Americans with a lower approval rating than I have,” he joked.

The commander-in-chief wasn’t the only one to poke fun at his administration’s woes. 

Only a meager 28% “approve” of Biden’s job performance when it comes to the economy. Christopher Sadowski

“The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah also hit Biden with a joke on inflation, saying, “Ever since you’ve come into office, things are really looking up. Gas is up, rent is up, food is up, everything!”

Biden was seen laughing, clapping his hands together as Noah continued to say it has been a “tough first year” for the 46th president.