
Letters to the Editor —May 1, 2022

Holocaust lessons
I read with sadness that a 2020 survey found widespread ignorance of the Holocaust among young people, and that for some reason a bill was derailed which would have examined how well New York schools are teaching students about “the wholesale slaughter of European Jews by Nazi Germany” (“Holocaust ed. bill is nixed,” April 26).

I was educated in the New York City public school system in the 1960s and ’70s. In a school assembly, we all viewed a very graphic film of the horrors of the Holocaust. I don’t feel “traumatized,” and there was no complaint from anyone I’m aware of that showing this film was deemed inappropriate.

It is said that “seeing is believing.” I am grateful to a superior staff of educators who made sure that not one graduate of my school left without full knowledge and understanding of this abominable and shameful event in human history.

Karl Olsen

Fans’ freakout
Yankee fans exhibited terrible behavior following last Saturday’s game (“Wall-climbing OF cursed out fans: vid,” April 26).

First off, Guardians outfielder Myles Straw was out of line by climbing the wall to confront fans. Second, you don’t throw garbage on the field, aiming it at opposing players. Those guilty, if caught on camera, should face lifetime stadium bans.

The Yankee organization needs to beef up security measures. This could have escalated into another “Malice at the Palace” when spectators clashed with players at a Pistons-Pacers game in Auburn Hills, Mich. that turned ugly.

Matt Engel
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

‘Sanctuary’ folly
Another horrific crime was committed by someone who is illegally living in the United States (“ ‘Stabber’ had ‘killer’ taste,” April 26).

Sanctuary cities have created spaces where criminals who break into this country can remain free to cause pain and suffering. It is very sad that this man who was protected in a so-called “sanctuary city” was able to be here to commit this hideous act and bring so much pain to this family.

We must enforce the laws we have. If cities want to protect these monsters that cross our borders, they need to pay for disregarding federal law.

One way to bring them to heel is to deny them federal funding. We need the political will to do this. We need to vote for leaders with the guts to follow through and use our laws to remove this dangerous element from our society.

Catherine Adago

Airport insanity
The Post is correct that nobody is happy with how things are proceeding at the East Hampton airport (“Fight on the tarmac,” April 25).

Despite all the griping, though, not that much will actually change, and from my understanding, the town is not stopping the sale of leaded gasoline, as it should.

Besides the environmental damage from a fuel that was discontinued over 25 years ago for cars, it also is only needed for many of the smaller/older planes that create a fair amount of the noise complaints.

Moreover, the complaints from other towns like Southampton are a bit hypocritical. A study done last year showed that 40% of the people landing at KHTO airport are not traveling to East Hampton. Most of those flyers are likely headed to Southampton, a larger town that has a very small heliport and no airport.

Maybe instead of relying on smaller towns to the west and east of it, Southampton should get its act together and provide real air-transport services for its own residents.

Brad Brooks
East Hampton

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