US News

Biden ‘disinfo’ boss Nina Jankowicz once belted out a raunchy parody Christmas song

President Biden’s new disinformation czar Nina Jankowicz once belted out a raunchy parody version of a Christmas song — changing the lyrics to ask who she needed to “f–k” to be “famous and powerful,” according to resurfaced YouTube footage.

“I want to be rich, famous, and powerful! Step on all my enemies and never do a thing,” Jankowicz sang in the clip from 2015. “Who do I f—k to be famous and powerful? I’ve done everything I can and now the rest is up to you,” her version of “My Simple Christmas Wish (Rich, Famous, and Powerful)” went.

The lyrics from Jankowicz were her own spin on the original 1998 song from David Friedman with “Who do I f—k” replacing the original line of “who do I have to fake?”

The footage was first unearthed by Breitbart and first uploaded to YouTube by the account LA TI DO.

The video from Jankowicz is the latest display of her vocal chops to make the rounds around the web this week. On Friday a cringeworthy video of her emerged on TikTok adapting the “Mary Poppins” classic “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” into a song about fake news and disinformation.

Nina Jankowicz
Jankowicz had made a TikTok changing the lyrics of a classic “Mary Poppins” song. Pete Kiehart

“Information laundering is really quite ferocious. It’s when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious, by saying them in Congress or a mainstream outlet, so disinformation’s origins are slightly less atrocious,” she sang.

Jankowicz was tapped earlier this week by President Biden to head up a Disinformation Governance Board of the United States Department of Homeland Security. The move immediately led to howls of outrage from conservatives over free speech concerns and Jankowicz’s own past as a partisan mudslinger.

In October 2020, she publicly cast doubt on The Post’s accurate reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop and promoted false rumors suggesting it was Russian disinformation. She has also been publicly sympathetic to Taylor Lorenz, a controversial writer at the Washington Post.