
New NYPD anti-gun units can’t do much when Albany still insists on protecting perps, not the public

Mayor Eric Adams’ new NYPD anti-gun units are a fine effort to start reducing violent crime, but it’s hard to see how much good they can do as long as the Democrats who run state government refuse to fix the no-bail laws.

As The Post reports, perps caught with weapons are still freed within hours.

We could only get records on 12 of the 25 arrests so far by the anti-gun Neighborhood Safety Teams, but 11 of those perps are out of jail already.

That includes four allegedly caught with guns who were loose within hours — some because the charges weren’t bail-eligible, others because the judges decided against ordering remand because the law orders them to go easy.  

The only perp of the 12 who’s still behind bars is Dwayne Davis, 44, who allegedly shot someone multiple times.

And don’t think the minor changes that Albany made to the law last month will do much: You still automatically get sprung even when caught with a gun unless you already have at least one illegal-carry prior charge.

Kade Lewin
12-year-old Kade Lewin was killed in the crossfire of one of the many shootings that happen in New York City daily.

And judges may still not order remand even for re-offenders. The city’s seeing more than three shootings a day so far this year, up 10% from the same period in 2021. How many guns must go off — how many innocents like 16-year-old Angellyh Yambo and 12-year-old Kade Lewin must die in the crossfire — before New York’s lawmakers put protecting the public ahead of protecting the perps?