
The week in whoppers: Hochul’s hokum, Obama’s ‘disinfo’ baloney and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This claim:

“We talked about keeping the core value of bail reform because, at one time, two people accused of the same low-level crime, one went home, and one went to jail waiting for a trial. We knew that was unfair.”

— Gov. Kathy Hochul, April 17

We say: The truth? Most people accused of “low-level” crimes never spent any time in jail waiting for trial, and though there might’ve been some small unfairness in the system, it wasn’t remotely enough to justify the ending of nearly all bail that has helped trigger the fastest rise in crime New York has seen in years.

This headline:

CNN claimed that Biden doesn't have the power to solve his many problems.
CNN claimed that Biden doesn’t have the power to solve his many problems. NY Post composite / istock/ Getty Images

We say: Has there ever been a more pathetic attempt to absolve a president for the very disasters he himself caused — and to claim that fixes are beyond his control? Biden himself sparked the off-the-chart surge in illegal border-crossers by making clear he’d welcome them. And even this CNN “analysis” admits economists (on the left and right) finger Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief package for driving up inflation. It also admits the president could shift course on some issues, though at a political cost. So why portray him as blameless?

This tweet:

We say: What a laugher. The man who won the 2013 “Lie of the Year” award from (left-leaning) fact-checker PolitiFact for assuring Americans they could keep their health plans under ObamaCare suddenly wants to combat “disinformation.” Anyone seriously think he’ll criticize those who spread “disinfo” like the Russian-Trump collusion hoax — or the claim that The Post’s 2020 exposé of e-mails on Hunter Biden’s laptop was itself “Russian disinformation”? Ha!

This comment:

“The masks make a lot more sense [today] even than they did a year ago . . . when we had less contagious variants.”

— MSNBC medical contributor Dr. Kavita Patel, April 20, on whether lifting the federal mask mandate for public transit is appropriate today

MSNBC medical contributor Dr. Kavita Patel said that masks "make sense more" now due to COVID-19 variants.
MSNBC medical contributor Dr. Kavita Patel said that masks “make sense more” now due to COVID-19 variants. Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

We say: Just where is the science behind that doozy? If anything, the exact opposite is true: We now know that masks are unlikely to do much, if anything, to stop the spread of COVID. And, in any case, though COVID may be more “contagious,” it’s no longer much of a threat, since it rarely leads to severe cases among otherwise healthy people and those who’ve been vaxxed. Indeed, it’s long past time to lift the mask mandates.

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board