
Eric Adams is right: BLM costs black lives

Loathsome local Black Lives Matter leader Hawk Newsome just called Mayor Eric Adams a “c–n” live on national TV for pointing out BLM’s hypocrisy for staying silent on the black victims of crime. But the mayor has the facts fully on his side: Anti-police, soft-on-crime “reforms” have been literally murder on minority communities across America.

De-policing in the wake of the May 2020 death of George Floyd in May 2020 has produced a US murder spike of nearly 30%, per FBI data. Murder of black Americans rose more than 32% just from 2019 to 2020, 7,484 victims to 9,941. Murders of whites totaled just 7,043 that year, though they’re 76% of the population to blacks’ 14%.

Murders continued to rise, albeit more slowly, in 2021 though the feds have yet to release the full data, with urban homicides alone rising 5 percent.

And Newsome & Co. are part of the problem. As the Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald puts it: “The Black Lives Matter narrative about racist, homicidal cops has produced virulent hostility in the streets,” poisoning police-community relations.

Politicians who pander to this idiocy are another problem: Nearly half (43%) of the perps released with no bail thanks to New York’s “reforms” (i.e., offenders with significant priors) get caught reoffending within months.

Hawk Newsome
Hawk Newsome blamed Eric Adams for turning NYC into a  “war zone.” Kevin C. Downs for The New York Post

New York City’s vast gains against crime in the decades before 2019 saved tens of thousands of minority lives; now the retreat from policing and prosecution is hitting poor people of color hardest.

Which makes Hank Newsome and his ilk the real bane on the black community — which, incidentally, voted overwhelmingly for Eric Adams last year in good measure because he vowed to end the carnage.