
Letters to the Editor — April 21, 2022

The Issue: The left’s reaction to Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk’s $43 billion offer to buy Twitter.

The reaction of leftists to Elon Musk’s plan to buy Twitter is like that close-up picture of the bawling woman, eyes closed, in the wake of former President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential victory (“Why They Fear Elon,” Rich Lowry, April 20).

It shows the left’s descent into infantilism, a classic case of arrested development.

But leftists should ask themselves two questions: One, how does one justify suspending accounts or banning Twitter subscribers because they disagree with a particular viewpoint? And two, what is your definition of fairness?

Most progressives ignore the concept of free speech because it doesn’t jibe with their juvenile mindset.

Ray Walsh

Ramsey, NJ

If anyone can save us from wokism, it’s Elon Musk. He has all the resources to do it.

Please G-d, let him be successful. Your editorial (“Go, Elon, Go,” April 15) spells it out so well: “Musk gets it, which puts him on the side of the angels here.”

Sheila Kaplan

Monroe Township, NJ

Just when we thought all was lost, when our freedoms were threatened by a villainous social media, a shining knight rides in on his electric horse and moves to buy Twitter.

If he succeeds, the notorious arm of the Democratic Party will no longer have a monopoly on what is or is not allowed to be exposed to all Americans.

Twitter’s censorship of your venerable paper was the edge needed to prevent a fair election.

A knowledgeable electorate that was aware of the corruption within the Biden family would most certainly have voted for a different outcome.

We would possibly still be energy independent and gasoline would be plentiful and cheap and the world would not be on the brink of chaos.

The left is imploding at the thought of a fair playing field, since it knows it cannot win elections unless the thumb is on the scale. Let us hope Musk is successful.

Anthony Bruno


The kerfuffle surrounding Musk’s attempted takeover of Twitter has brought into sharp focus the political rot that dominates not only Twitter, but also the other social media platforms and most of the so-called mainstream media.

What it clearly demonstrates is that the modern-day left in America now represents an existential threat to democracy in America.

Just before the 2020 election, Twitter banned The Post’s exposé of Hunter Biden selling Joe Biden’s influence for millions, and then has the audacity to claim it’s saving democracy.

Saving democracy really means slanting the election process so that only Democrats can get elected.

Steve Heitner

Middle Island

It is fascinating to see all the liberals who celebrated Twitter kicking Trump and other right-wing voices off the platform — and who smugly sneered to free-speech advocates that “Twitter is a private company and can manage access however it wishes” — are now apoplectic with rage at the prospect of Elon Musk buying Twitter and are warning about the chilling effect of corporate censorship under his ownership.

It seems leftists hypocritically dumped their fleeting conversion to the virtues of free enterprise the instant it no longer served their purposes.

Twitter is a private company and can manage access however it wishes, comrades. What goes around comes around.

Robert Frazer

Lancashire, UK

Musk is poised to strike a crippling blow to the left’s stranglehold on Big Tech propaganda.

Censorship by Twitter of conservative voices is un-American. Authoritarian Democrats want to silence any voice that does not adhere to the progressive liberal line.

This country was never designed to be run by one party, and free speech is guaranteed by our First Amendment. I hope Musk is successful.

Robert Mangi


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