
Grumpy granny melts down over great-grandchild’s gender reveal

She looked like she wanted a gender repeal party.

A grumpy grandma hilariously ruined her great-grandchild’s gender reveal party after throwing a fit upon learning that her granddaughter was having a boy. Footage of the curmudgeon’s epic meltdown boasts 5.2 million views online as fans praise the granny for spoiling the joyous occasion.

“My grandma getting upset after finding out we’re having a boy, because she wanted a girl,” the party pooper’s granddaughter Dani Florez wrote in the vid’s text.

The hysterical clip begins jubilantly enough with Florez discharging blue confetti from a cannon to announce her offspring’s sex, prompting her relatives to rejoice in the background.

While the majority of the fam jumped for joy at the news, the granny appeared to be less than enthused. At one point, the spoilsport, who put on an epic sourpuss, throws her hands up in the air in exasperation and storms away from the soiree.


The contrast between everyone celebrating and then her 🤣 ps: she’s very happy! This was just her 1 minute tantrum 😂 #genderrevealparty #genderrevealfail #grandmasoftiktok

♬ Je te laisserai des mots – Patrick Watson

Many TikTokers empathized with the salty senior with one gran fan writing, “The poor woman is expiring she wants a granddaughter give her a break!!”

“She said ‘throw the whole thing away,’ ” wrote another, while one sympathizer added, “Someone give her a granddaughter.”

“I could see how she just wanted to live to see a grand baby named after her,” gushed another. “I find it so sweet it meant so much.”

However, others scolded the grouch for popping her progeny’s proverbial blue balloon.

“I know it’s not that serious but people who act like that always ruin the moment,” scoffed one grandma slammer.

The spoilsport threw her hands up in the air in exasperation and stormed away from the soiree. TikTok/@_daniflorez
Many on TikTok empathized with the salty senior. “The poor woman is expiring she wants a granddaughter give her a break!!” said one. TikTok/@_daniflorez
Some commenters scolded the grouch for raining on her progeny’s parade. TikTok/@_daniflorez

Another detractor wrote, “This would really annoy me. Ruins the day for everyone. A baby is a blessing.”

Florez has since come to her grandma’s defense, writing in the comments, “Just in case for those getting triggered … I’m fine.

“It’s not a big deal for us,” the proud granddaughter added. “She’s the best grandma in the world. It was hilarious for us.”

She explained in a followup comment, “Backstory, I told her I was going to name the baby after her if it was a girl! This is why she got upset. She was totally happy right after, promise.”

To illustrate her point, Florez has since allowed her Spanish-speaking nan to explain her side of the story on camera. In the resultant video, outfitted with English captions, the gender reveal grinch claimed that she was upset “because the wish of a woman is to have girl.”

Despite her initial disappointment, however, the matriarch insisted she’s just happy to have a great grandchild. TikTok/@_daniflorez

For those that are worried about my trauma… here’s her response 😂 she’s happy, I love her, bye #byehaters #grandmasoftiktok #latinagrandmas

♬ original sound – Dani Florez

“You were going to call her Elena and and I had her necklace with her name & some little things,” explained the dismayed senior.

Despite her initial disappointment, however, the matriarch insisted that her great-grandson is more “than awaited for and what matters is he’s healthy.

“So are you happy?” asked her daughter, to which the old woman answered, “Of course!! I’m so happy. Because it’s my first great-grandchild.”

Not to mention that geriatric temper tantrums are far from the worst things to happen at gender reveal parties, which have seen every flavor of fiasco from forest fires to fatal explosions.