
Cop-hating rapper turned Democratic candidate used to probe NYPD wrongdoing

A rapper running for Democratic District leader in Brooklyn whose social media accounts are filled with anti-police rants used to work for the city agency that investigates complaints against officers, the Post has learned.

Noah Weston — a Democratic Socialist also known as the rapper Soul Khan — worked for the Civilian Complaint Review Board as an investigator up until 2011, the agency confirmed.

The Sergeants Benevolent Association said the fact the CCRB hired someone like him only served to show the board’s anti-cop bias, as Weston has viscously ripped officers on social media as “f–king pigs,” “plague rats” and “ogrish sacks of s–t” who are “the greatest threats to this city.”

“Especially appalling is the fact that Mr. Weston is a former investigator for the CCRB, whose presumptive duties included objectively investigating, mediating, and prosecuting complaints of NYPD misconduct, including complaints regarding the use of offensive language,” Sergeants Benovolent Association spokesman Robert Mladinich said.

“How Mr. Weston ever got through the vetting process to become a CCRB investigator, given his clear and open bias against law enforcement, is anyone’s guess,” The SBA rep said in a statement.

Weston has called police officers "the greatest threats to this city" on social media.
Weston has called police officers “the greatest threats to this city” on social media. Twitter/@soulkhan

As it happens, SBA president Vincent Vallelong used to represent his officers at CCRB hearings and clearly remembered Weston as an investigator at some of the proceedings.

The sergeants’ union called on the CCRB to overhaul its vetting process and rescind any of Weston’s disciplinary actions recommended against cops. It is filing a legal request to review all the cases he handled.

Meanwhile other Democrats running on the “For the People” slate with Weston are either condemning his venom-spewed attacks on cops or remaining silent.

Assemblywoman Mathylde Frontus (D-Brooklyn) said,  “I don’t agree. I don’t support what he says. I’m diametrically opposed.

“I support our law enforcement. I come from a law enforcement family,” she said.

A congressional candidate running on the same slate as Weston, Brittany Ramos De Barros, declined comment. Ramos De Barros is running in a district that includes more conservative pro-cop Staten Island as well as parts of Brooklyn.

Weston had no immediate comment about his time at the CCRB and complaints from SBA that he was biased. Other than saying he worked there until 2011, the CCRB did not give any more details about his tenure on the board.

Assemblywoman Mathylde Frontus condemned Weston's statements.
Assemblywoman Mathylde Frontus condemned Weston’s statements. Paul Martinka

But the Democratic Socialist activist did acknowledge in a story posted by in 2018 said that “my first  job in New York was as an investigator for the Civilian Complaint Review Board.” He was born in West Hollywood and raised in affluent Woodland Hills, Ca.

He doubled down on his criticism and rage against cops.

“Everything I said was accurate and I would say it again,” Weston said on Twitter after the Post reported on his cop bashing.