
New Jersey couple sues Dunkin’ after hot coffee severely burns husband

America might run on Dunkin’ but a New Jersey man and his wife are racing to court after he was allegedly burned by a hot cup of coffee from the java joint.

Evan Arlington and Stephanie Arlington-Macias bought two cups of coffee and an iced coffee from a Totowa Dunkin’ Donuts on Aug. 25, 2021, according to an April 4 lawsuit they filed in Passaic County.

Arlington suffered second- and third-degree burns after the coffee spilled in his lap at the drive-thru, said the couple’s attorney, William Gold.

Arlington had medical bills, while Arlington-Macias, 37, suffered “a loss of her husband’s aid, comfort, conjugal fellowship and consortium,” they claim in the legal filing.

The pair are seeking unspecified damages. Dunkin’ Donuts didn’t return a message.

A cup of coffee is arranged for a photograph at a Dunkin' Donuts Inc. location in Los Angeles.
Arlington suffered second- and third-degree burns after the coffee spilled in his lap at the drive-thru. Bloomberg via Getty Images

Scalding hot coffee first brought major headlines in 1992, when then 79-year-old Stella Liebeck won $2.7 million from McDonald’s after suffering third-degree burns from a scorching hot beverage spilled in her lap.