US News

Biden approval rating drops to 33 percent, hitting new low in key poll

Just a third of all Americans (33%) approve of how President Biden is handling his job responsibilities, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll, the commander-in-chief’s worst performance yet in the benchmark survey.

On the flip side, 54% percent of respondents disapproved of Biden’s performance, with 43% saying that they “strongly” disapproved. By contrast, just 18% said they strongly approved of the 46th president.

Thirteen percent said they didn’t know or declined to answer the question, the highest percentage in the survey since January.

Biden’s approval rating among registered voters is little better, sitting at 35% — another low for the survey and down 17 percentage points from his high approval rating in February 2021.

Thirty-three percent of Americans approve of the way President Biden is handling his job. Quinnipiac University poll
Just 18% said they strongly approved of President Biden. Quinnipiac University poll
This is President Biden’s worst performance yet in the benchmark survey. AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The poll was released one day after the annual inflation rate reached 8.5%, its highest level since December 1981. It also comes against the backdrop of the ongoing war in Ukraine and the revelation of atrocities by Russian forces.

The survey found just 39% of adults think Biden is doing a good job handling the response to Moscow’s invasion — yet another new low for the poll.

Among adults, 94% of Republicans and 56% of independents say they disapprove of Biden’s job performance, but only 76% of Democrats say they approve of the president’s work (12% of Dems said they disapproved and 13% declined to answer or didn’t know).

Just a third of all Americans approve of how President Biden is handling his job responsibilities, according to a poll. AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
President Biden speaks at POET Bioprocessing in Menlo, Iowa, Tuesday, April 12, 2022. AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
The survey found just 39% of adults think Preisdent Biden is doing a good job handling the response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Quinnipiac University poll

Disapproval of the president cuts across gender and racial lines, with 63% of white men and 56% of white women saying they don’t like the job Biden is doing. Biden is also under water among both white adults (59-31 disapproval) and Hispanic adults (54-26 disapproval).

Young adults and older adults are particularly displeased with Biden, according to the poll, with the same percentage of respondents ages 18 to 34 and 50 to 64 expressing disapproval (58%).

There are still three main demographics that look on the president favorably. Black Americans approve of Biden by more than two-to-one (63-25) — though that number is down from the 78% of blacks who said they approved of Biden in April 2021.

More than half of white adults with a four-year college degree still like what Biden is doing (52% approval). However, two-thirds of whites without a college degree (67%) don’t approve of Biden, while just 20% of that demographic say that they do.

Biden also barely comes out ahead among those age 65 and older (48-46 approval).

Quinnipiac’s poll surveyed 1,412 adults between April 7 and April 11 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.6 percentage points.