
Republican House members want DOJ briefing on Hunter Biden probe: report

A group of Republican House members are calling on the Department of Justice to keep them updated on the investigation into Hunter Biden, saying that the first son’s foreign business dealings are raising questions about his father’s administration, according to a report out Wednesday.

In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) and 14 other lawmakers argued that the first son’s interests in Ukraine and China involved potential violations of civil or criminal law by President Biden and members of his administration, according to Fox News

Delaware US Attorney David Weiss ​is looking into ​​whether ​Hunter Biden​ committed tax fraud by failing to fully account for the money he was paid ​to sit on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma — a gig that netted him as much as $50,000 a month. 

The letter noted that “little detail” of Weiss’ investigation into the president’s son has been made public and said it was “imperative that the Department of Justice brief Congress on the nature of Mr. Weiss’s investigation into Hunter Biden.”

“Congress has a constitutional obligation to conduct oversight of the Executive Branch and a moral obligation to examine if the President of the United States or any senior official in his administration is ethically compromised or injured​,” it says. ​​

Attorney General Merrick Garland received a letter arguing that Hunter Biden’s interests in Ukraine and China involved potential violations of civil or criminal law by President Biden. Andrew Harnik/AP
Rep. Bob Good and 14 other lawmakers said it was “imperative that the Department of Justice brief Congress on the nature of Mr. Weiss’s investigation into Hunter Biden.” Roberto Schmidt/Pool via REUTERS

Along with Hunter Biden’s ties to Burisma, the lawmakers want information on his relationships with foreign nationals in China, Serbia and Kazakhstan, the infamous laptop that contains “potentially compromising material” and any efforts to help White House chief of staff Ron Klain raise $20,000 for the Vice President’s Residence Foundation.​

The Post first reported on Hunter Biden’s ties to foreign businesses in a series of exposes in October 2020 based on messages contained on the laptop the first son left at a Delaware computer repair shop the year before. 

The reports raised serious concerns about the lucrative payouts Hunter Biden received from these associations, whether his father helped facilitate those relationships and how long the son benefited from his father’s political influence.

​Initially, other media outlets ignored the reports, dismissing them as possible disinformation planted by Russia.

But the Washington Post and the New York Times recently confirmed the existence of the laptop and the information it contained, leading to more calls to investigate Hunter Biden.

The White House has reiterated that the president has not spoken to his son about his overseas business relationships and has pledged not to get involved in any investigations into Hunter Biden, including the potential appointment of a special counsel. 

“The president has never had a conversation with the Department of Justice about any investigations into any member of his family,” press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters last week.

Delaware US Attorney David Weiss ​is looking into ​​whether ​Hunter Biden​ committed tax fraud by failing to fully account for the money he was paid ​to sit on the board of Burisma. Randy Holmes/ABC via Getty Images
Lawmakers want information on Hunter Biden’s relationships in China, Serbia and Kazakhstan.
The White House has reiterated that President Biden has not spoken to his son about his overseas business relationships. Andy Wong/Pool/EPA

“He said that during the campaign and he will continue to abide by that. So I would point you to the Department of Justice for any additional steps they would take. They would make those decisions independently.”

Along with Good, the letter’s other signers include: Reps. ​Andy Biggs of Arizona, Jeff Duncan and Ralph Norman of South Carolina, Mary Miller of Illinois, Chip Roy and Michael Cloud of Texas, Dan Bishop of North Carolina, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jody Hice of Georgia, Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin, Ken Buck of Colorado, Matt Gaetz of Florida, and Vicky Hartzler of Missouri.