Sex & Relationships

Spiritual adviser explains what to do on the luckiest day of the year

While you may see pots of gold and lucky four-leaf clovers pop up in March for St. Patrick’s Day, that’s not necessarily the luckiest time of the year.

In fact, spiritual advisor Meghan Rose claimed the luckiest day of the year is here now – and reveals how to best manifest all the luck in the air.

According to Rose and other astrology experts, Jupiter and Neptune will collide in Pisces on April 12, a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.

In fact, the last time this occurred was 1856.

Explaining why this astrological happening is so special, Rose told The Sun: “Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so it amplifies anything that it encounters and when it’s encountering Neptune, which is the psychic planet of ideals, intuition, spirituality, compassion, and dreams, what we’re seeing is an amplification of all of those elements in our lives.”

She added that this will be an especially exceptional day for romance.

“This is going to be an extremely lucky day for love, new romance, a new romantic vision that will transcend time and space and actually ask us to open our hearts to unconditional love and take an inventory where unconditional love has previously had difficulty entering our lives,” she noted.

This means that people who have struggled with relationships in the past may make a move to be more open to accepting love and friendship, while relationships that are currently struggling may find a positive groove.

Furthermore, Rose said those who have a strong relationship with their career may also thrive and see the recognition they have been working so hard to get.

What to do

Intuitive movement such as yoga is an ideal way to utilize the lucky energy, according to Rose.
Intuitive movement such as yoga is an ideal way to utilize the lucky energy, according to Rose. Shutterstock

As this is such a unique event, it makes sense to want to take advantage of it, and Rose revealed to The Sun the best way to use the energy of April 12 to your advantage.

“A lot of it is going to be listening to your own inner voice,” she stated.

“That’s going to be the first and most important thing that someone can do.”

She said everyone’s own voice will call on them in a different way.

“If you’re feeling called to stay into rest, to connect to yourself, that’s the path that you’re going to be asked to go into.

“If you’re feeling like the luck is only going to happen if you put yourself out there, step outside of your comfort zone, and start networking and connecting with others, it’s going to be a very fruitful day if you push yourself outside your comfort zone and those limitations,” Rose explained.

She also said an ideal way to kickstart the positive energy during Neptune and Jupiter’s collision is to begin the day with a “healthy morning routine” such as journaling, intuitive movement, or getting outside.

Rachael Hartley, a dietitian and nutrition therapist, describes intuitive movement as “the practice of connecting with your body and its internal cues and using that to determine what type of movement, how long, and the intensity you’d like to engage in.”

This can be anything from practicing yoga to embarking on your favorite hike for as long as your body feels motivated to do so.

Describing why she recommends such practices, Rose said: “These things very clearly help us raise our vibration and when we get into that higher vibrational state, other people can see it, so then we start to see our external reality changing.”

She added that it’s important to set boundaries for yourself so you can show up authentically and compassionately throughout the day.

And while Neptune and Jupiter will align in Pisces, it’s actually currently Aries season.

Rose previously told The Sun what each star sign can expect during this time of the year, which runs through April 19.

This story originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced here with permission.