
Letters to the Editor — March 22, 2022

The Issue: 51 ex-intelligence officials who signed a letter calling Hunter Biden’s laptop “disinformation.”

Astounding revelation by The Post. Thank you for revealing the depth of the deceit (“Spies who lie,” March 19).

Faced with the truth about the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop, not one of the 51 “intelligence” officials who signed the infamous letter to cast doubt and dismiss the revelations of corruption has given an apology. Not one has shown contrition, con­science or guilt.

All of them sold out their fellow Americans for a political lie that influenced the 2020 presidential election. Shame on the 51 officials, and President Biden and his team.

Carl Merz

West Hartford, Conn.

The faces on Saturday’s Post represent our intelligence community. Isn’t this where we require honesty and integrity? Surely, we are doomed.

All of these people should have difficulty finding a job, but none will.

Robert Fortescue

Red Bank, NJ

The scandalous cover-up by Facebook, Twitter and Politico was a foul hoax on the American people. The intelligence mob has no shame and will never offer an apology.

The Republican Party needs to push aside the docile Department of Justice and demand a special prosecutor take on this investigation.

It is also time for the American people to take action. Cancel your accounts on the big tech sites. Pathological liars such as former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan should be behind bars rather than on TV, so change that channel.

When ratings drop and money is lost, the media outlets will change their ways in a hurry.

And ignore that liberal rag The New York Times and pick up “America’s newspaper,” the New York Post.

Nicholas Maffei


Now that we know the intelligence community contributed to outside influences on the 2020 election, 74 million voters can feel some form of vindication.

It shouldn’t be surprising that so many elements of media and government conspired to affect the election results with no thought that one day it would come to light.

I guess there is still good journalism that has not been compromised and reporters who still believe in discovering and reporting the facts.

Greg Raleigh

Washington, DC

It gives me the heebie-jeebies that we spend billions of dollars on intelligence-gathering every year and these 51 so-called “experts” got it all so wrong — and now refuse to comment or accept responsibility for their errors.

We need an immediate, total re-evaluation and reorganization of our “intelligence” gathering agencies.

Rolly A. Lessin

Staten Island

The recent reports concerning the disinformation from the so-called intelligence experts should make us reflect on how we’ve been brainwashed to rely on the definition of the word “expert.” Many “experts” have track records of being consistently wrong.

Maybe now when we hear any hint of the word “experts,” we should immediately be incredulous and not be so trusting.

Ronald Frank

West Orange, NJ

Is there any wonder why the people distrust our government?

When 51 former intelligence officials were unable to determine the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop information, what credibility do they have on anything?

They were so anxious to get Biden in office, they disregarded our national security.

Ken Walsh

Wilton, Conn.

To expect those 51 so-called intelligence officials to apologize for signing their name to a letter they knew was false, you would first have to believe they are honorable.

I think all of us, including those 51 people, know they are not honorable. so we should expect no apologies.

They are a disgrace to anyone who served his country with honor.

Bruce Collins

Tom’s River, NJ

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