US News

Kamala Harris promises continued support for Ukraine

Vice President Harris promised continued United States support on behalf of Ukraine after the country was invaded by Russia over two weeks ago.

“The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance,” Harris told a gathering of the Democratic National Committee in Washington D.C. Saturday. “The ocean that separates us will not leave us untouched by this aggression.”

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Ukraine is not a part of NATO.

The vice president addressed the friendly audience after returning from a trip to Poland to assess the regional situation.

Ukraine war
Ukraine was invaded by Russia over two weeks ago. SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP via Getty Images
Ukraine War map
Map of Russian attacks in Ukraine as of Saturday, March 12, 2022.

“When I was meeting with our allies I emphasized that the greatest strength that we share is unity, especially at this moment as we stand together in defense of democracy and stand together in defense of each other,” Harris said.

“Everything you are watching on television I know makes you understand and feel the importance of this moment on many levels.”