US News

ISIS confirms death of leader a month after he blew himself up during US raid

ISIS officially confirmed the death of its leader for the first time on Thursday — a month after the terrorist blew up himself and his entire family as US special forces closed in on him in Syria.

Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Quraishi’s demise was addressed in a statement by the terror group’s spokesman.

He has been replaced by Abu al-Hassan al-Hashemi al-Quraishi, the spokesman added.

President Biden had already revealed last month that the 45-year-old ISIS leader killed himself, his wife and two children during a US operation to capture him on Feb. 3.

Abu Ibrahim had detonated an explosive on the third floor of a building in the Syrian village of Atmeh that sent rubble and bodies flying into the street below.

At the time, Biden called Abu Ibrahim’s suicide “a final act of desperate cowardice.”

Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Quraishi took over ISIS following al-Baghdadi’s death. Unk/ROPI via ZUMA Press
Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Quraishi detonated an explosive on the third floor of a building in Atmeh. Yahya Nemah/EPA
Aerial view of the compound before the US raid. Department of Defense via AP

“With no regard to the lives of his own family or others in the building, he chose to blow himself up … rather than face justice for the crimes he has committed, taking several members of his family with him,” Biden said.

“[The] operation took a major terrorist leader off the battlefield, and it sent a strong message to terrorists around the world: We will come after you and find you.”

His death was a crushing blow to ISIS after the terror group lost its longtime leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in a similar raid in 2019.

President Biden revealed last month that Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Quraishi blew himself up during a US operation to capture him on Feb. 3. The White House/Handout via REUTERS
The explosion also killed Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Quraishi’s wife and two children. Muhammad Haj Kadour/AFP
A body is carried out of the Atmeh building. Abdulaziz Ketaz/AFP via Getty Images

Abu Ibrahim had led the jihadist group since al-Baghdadi’s slaying.

With Post wires