US News

Biden slams Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in SOTU, ambassador gets standing-O

President Biden kicked off his first State of the Union address by slamming Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, claiming Russian President Vladimir Putin “badly miscalculated” before attacking his Western neighbor. 

“Six days ago, Russia’s Vladimir Putin sought to shake the foundations of the free world thinking he could make it bend to his menacing ways. But he badly miscalculated,” Biden said. 

“He thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over. Instead he met a wall of strength he never imagined. He met the Ukrainian people.”

The president touted Ukraine’s “fearlessness,” “courage,” and “determination,” saying it “inspires the world.” 

“Groups of citizens blocking tanks with their bodies. Everyone from students to retirees, teachers turned soldiers defending their homeland. In this struggle as President Zelenskyy said in his speech to the European Parliament ‘Light will win over darkness.’ ”

Biden then pointed attention to Ukrainian Ambassador to the US, Oksana Markarova, who was in attendance.

“Let each of us here tonight in this Chamber send an unmistakable signal to Ukraine and to the world,” Biden said as the two chambers of Congress gave Marakrova a standing ovation.

President Biden said that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was “badly miscalculated.” AP

Throughout his remarks, the president highlighted NATO’s joint support for Ukraine through sanctions against Russia and touted the US’s effort to unite European allies. 

“I spent countless hours unifying our European allies. We shared with the world in advance what we knew Putin was planning and precisely how he would try to falsely justify his aggression,” Biden said. “We countered Russia’s lies with truth. And now that he has acted, the free world is holding him accountable.”

Biden called Putin’s latest attack on Ukraine “ premeditated and unprovoked,” slamming his rejection of “repeated efforts of diplomacy.” 

The two chambers of Congress gave Ukraine Ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markarova, a standing ovation. AP

“He thought the West and NATO wouldn’t respond. And he thought he could divide us at home. Putin was wrong. We were ready.”

Among the punishments the US has inflicted on Russia since the invasion began, Biden pointed to sanctioning Russian oligarchs, “ choking off Russia’s access to technology,” cutting off Russia’s largest banks, “closing off American air space to all Russian flights.” 

“Tonight I say to the Russian oligarchs and corrupt leaders who have bilked billions of dollars off this violent regime: No more,” he said, adding, “We are joining with our European allies to find and seize your yachts, your luxury apartments, your private jets. We are coming for your ill-begotten gains.”

The comments drew big cheers in the chamber.

Biden praised the Ukrainian people for their strength against invading forces. AP

While reiterating the US’s commitment to supporting Ukraine through military, economic and humanitarian aid, Biden again said the US will not be sending any forces into the country. 

Biden said that Putin “has unleashed violence and chaos.” AP

“Our forces are not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine, but to defend our NATO Allies – in the event that Putin decides to keep moving west,” he said. “For that purpose we’ve mobilized American ground forces, air squadrons, and ship deployments to protect NATO countries including Poland, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. As I have made crystal clear the United States and our Allies will defend every inch of territory of NATO countries with the full force of our collective power.”

Biden again touted the Ukrainian people’s courage later in his remarks, admitting the coming days and weeks will be “hard.” 

“Putin has unleashed violence and chaos.  But while he may make gains on the battlefield – he will pay a continuing high price over the long run,” Biden said. “And a proud Ukrainian people, who have known 30 years of independence, have repeatedly shown that they will not tolerate anyone who tries to take their country backwards.  

“To all Americans, I will be honest with you, as I’ve always promised. A Russian dictator, invading a foreign country, has costs around the world.”

Towards the end of his remarks on the Russia-Ukraine crisis, Biden slipped a small gaffe, saying “Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he will never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people.”