Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Bill O’Reilly’s new book takes on ISIS and terrorism

A ‘Killing’ in her name

With more “killing” books than Fauci has fibs, Bill O’Reilly’s next is “Killing the Killers.”

Not examining the past, this one’s now. Today. It’s about killing, raping, torturing, beheading Americans. It’s ISIS. It’s hate. It’s terrorism. It’s terrifying. I couldn’t sleep after reading it. His previous best sellers were past tense. “Killing Lincoln,” “Killing Patton,” “Killing Jesus.””This is what’s happening now. Continuing to happen. Like maybe tomorrow.

O’Reilly: “The world needs to know the aggressive war this country is waging against jihad now. A family in my neighborhood lost two boys. Mothers need to know what the US is doing about it now.”

The book’s centerpiece is Kayla Mueller. Wanting to do good, she went to Syria. Was grabbed. Kidnapped by ISIS. Our government never found her.

“I had to see her parents. Tracking them to Arizona, I got the father on the phone. I asked if he’d cooperate. He knew who I was. He described our government’s frustrating bureaucracy. How he couldn’t get through. Obama met with them but the FBI slammed the door at every turn. Nobody understood not handling this in a more personal way. This haunted family was devastated at losing their daughter, 26. Ours was a hard conversation. Father and mother talked separately. The mother wouldn’t see us. I asked for the correspondence. Letters, e-mails. They gave me copies. It’s harrowing. Heinous. The demand: $7.2 million ransom plus America’s ceasefire of the ISIS positions.”

Kayla was raped. Kayla was killed.

How does one enter the consciousness of these parents and reopen such pain?

“Not easy. I was extremely sensitive. Not intrusive. They trusted me. Their daughter’s a hero. People have forgotten about her. We wanted her remembered forever.

Mueller's parents speaking about Kayla at the 2020 Republican National Convention.
Mueller’s parents speaking about Kayla at the 2020 Republican National Convention. Republican National Convention/Handout via REUTERS National Convention

“This book’s my toughest reporting job in 46 years. 2001 the World Trade Center collapsed. America followed in Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Libya, with al Qaeda, ISIS, Iran, bin Laden. Readers will feel our government’s protection better than ever. I interviewed national secretaries who know what the US is doing, verified what’s told me, found people hard to find.”

Kayla’s parents have read this book and were “grateful.”

St. Martin’s publishes “Killing the Killers” May 3.

Global unity

A Ukrainian, who lives in New York but whose family is still in the old country: “Finally the world is mobilizing.”

That other Russian problem

So-called grumbling against Hillary paying hackers to break into Trump’s computers and fraudulently frame him for colluding with Russia? Some would call that “libel.”

A filing from Special Counsel John Durham alleged that Hillary Clinton's campaign paid a company to infiltrate Donald Trump's servers.
A filing from Special Counsel John Durham alleged that Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid a company to infiltrate Donald Trump’s servers. Stephen Yang for the New York Post

Background: An attorney with Hillary’s 2016 campaign, charged with a false statement to the FBI, told of a 2017 meeting between the attorney and the CIA. Allegedly he relayed concerns from another client, a tech executive, about Internet traffic data from servers associated with Trump’s business. Never alleged Clinton paid hackers to spy on Donald or break into his computers or fraudulently frame him for colluding with Russia.

Per legal experts, if she sued these grumblers, with certainty she’d win.

Unruly rules

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints founded Brigham Young University. Rules dictate students cannot date another of the same sex. LGBTQ dating is prohibited. But still, in parts of Utah, despite an official 1890 ruling against the practice of polygamy, there are men taking more than one wife.

Speaking of higher education, one dean, after examining the application of a recent undergraduate, said: “I see you’ve never been in jail. Didn’t you take any interest in college activities?”

Only in the United States of America, kids, only in the United States of America.