Weird But True

Dog owner receives warning note from neighbor that ‘channels Liam Neeson’ over dog’s barking

A dog owner was on the receiving end of an ominous note from an angry neighbor who channeled his inner Liam Neeson – claiming “you don’t know who I am” or “what I’m capable of”.

The irate neighbor left the chilling letter in the mailbox demanding the barking dog be kept inside at night in Perth, Western Australia.

In a style reminiscent of Liam Neeson in Taken movies, the anonymous message started off normally before descending into a sinister tone.

“Firstly, I would like to offer my sincere apologies if this is not you,” it began.

“Now, straight to the point.”

“No one wants or needs to hear a dog barking at 10 or 11 pm at night.”

“People have jobs, you know?”

“Work they need to attend to get paid money to pay bills and their mortgage.”

The passive-aggressive message then took a rather more threatening tone towards the dog owner in the second half of the note.

“Sort out this problem or I will be taking the next step,” the person writes.

“And might I suggest you take this seriously as you don’t know who I am or what position I am in, or what I’m capable of.”

The furious resident ended the rant by saying: “In summary, I hope it’s rather easy to get my point, KEEP YOUR DOG INSIDE AT NIGHT, I AM SICK OF IT.”

After the note was posted online it prompted a mixed reaction.

Some cracked jokes over the seriousness of the letter while others pointed out incessant barking at night is extremely irritating.

“That’s going to be awkward for the dog owner when they look at all the neighbors with paranoia,” one person replied.

“Buy a chainsaw, and run it full tilt all day outside of the noise curfew hours.”

“That might take the edge off the dog barking,” another quipped.

“As someone who has lived through the experience of neighbors who don’t train their dogs – I can relate to the frustration in this note!” a Facebook user commented.

This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced here with permission.