US News

Americans in Russia told to prepare to flee country without help from US

Americans living in Russia were warned Sunday to be ready to evacuate without the US government’s help.

In an online “Security Alert,” the US Embassy in Moscow cited the threat of attacks in “major urban areas” in the country and along its border with Ukraine, where Russian troops are massed for what American officials say is a looming invasion.

“According to media sources, there have been threats of attacks against shopping centers, railway and metro stations, and other public gathering places in major urban areas, including Moscow and St. Petersburg as well as in areas of heightened tension along the Russian border with Ukraine,” the embassy said.

It recommended actions including, “Avoid crowds,” “Be aware of your surroundings” and “Review your personal security plans.

“Have evacuation plans that do not rely on U.S. government assistance,” the embassy wrote on its Web site.

The warning came less than a month after the White House urged Americans to leave Ukraine, saying the US wouldn’t attempt a repeat of last year’s chaotic and deadly evacuation of Afghanistan.

The US has said that it will not help evacuate people from Russia. Byron Smith/Getty Images
The embassy recommended actions including, “Avoid crowds,” “Be aware of your surroundings” and “Review your personal security plans.” Sergei Savostyanov/TASS
The Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces, the military reserve of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, take part in a military drill outside Kyiv on February 19, 2022. AFP via Getty Images
A Ukrainian serviceman leaves a command post to start his shift at a frontline position outside Popasna, in the Luhansk region, eastern Ukraine, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022. AP
The warning came less than a month after the White House urged Americans to leave Ukraine. Valery SharifulinTASS via Getty Images
A vehicle belonging to the US embassy is stationed in front of the Russian Foreign Ministry headquarters as US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs arrives on October 12, 2021. ALEXANDER NEMENOV/AFP via Getty Images
Members a the Centuria militia march to lay flowers at the memorial site of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes People during a Maidan Revolution commemoration ceremony. Getty Images
U.S. President Joe Biden convenes a meeting of the National Security Council to discuss the latest developments regarding Russia’s military buildup on the borders of Ukraine. via REUTERS

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan doubled down on that warning Feb. 11, saying that “there is no prospect of a US military evacuation in the event of a Russian invasion.”

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs publicly questioned whether the US had shared its information about potential attacks with Russia, according to Reuters, which first reported the embassy’s warning.

“And if not, how is one to understand all this?” ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.