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Chilling video captures Las Vegas student’s violent attack on classmate

Shocking video has emerged that shows a Las Vegas student viciously pounding another girl on the head dozens of times — as other classmates stand by and laugh.

The unnamed girl was seen pummeling the student, who lifts her hands to protect herself from the barrage for the first eight seconds of the clip filmed in a Las Vegas High School classroom.

A person believed to be the teacher is heard yelling at the attacker, “Stop! Stop! Stop! Get off of her!”

But the brutal beatdown continues — and other students are heard laughing.

In the remaining 10 seconds or so of the graphic footage, the victim stops defending herself and rests her battered head on the desk.

It was unclear what injuries she suffered or what sparked the attack, KTNV reported.

The unnamed suspect has been charged with battery and may face additional charges, Clark County School District police Lt. Bryan Zink told News 3 Las Vegas.

A person believed to be the teacher is heard yelling at the attacker, “Stop! Stop! Stop! Get off of her!”

“We encourage any student who witness crimes like this or who find videos like this to let us or school staff know,” Zink told the news outlet in an email.

The district said in a statement to KTNV that the “school administration is aware of the matter and is taking this incident seriously.

“CCSD investigates every reported case of bullying and takes appropriate action if needed. We are unable to discuss individual student disciplinary matters due to privacy laws,” it said.

The unnamed student has been charged with battery and may face additional charges.

“However, in general, students can face administrative disciplinary action at school or be referred to law enforcement for possible criminal prosecution depending on the severity of the matter,” the CCSD added.

Las Vegas High School principal Ronnie Guerzon sent an email to parents about the incident, according to KTNV.

“Earlier this week your student may have witnessed an altercation in one of their classes,” Guerzon wrote. “Administration is aware and responding to this matter and it is being addressed through the appropriate channels.

Las Vegas High School principal Ronnie Guerzon told parents “administration is aware and responding to this matter.” KTNV-TV

“As a reminder, we expect all students to adhere to the CCSD Student Code of Conduct. Please discuss with your student appropriate behavior on campus,” the principal added.

On Saturday, school board president Irene Cepeda and superintendent Jesus Jara also released statements about the incident.

“The CCSD Board of School Trustees and superintendent take every incident of violence seriously, regardless of who commits the violence,” Cepeda wrote, News 3 reported.

Facebook commenters reacted to the incident at Las Vegas High School. KTNV-TV

Jara wrote: “Violent acts, assaults, and bullying will not be tolerated in the Clark County School District, and those who choose to engage in these activities will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

The district also encouraged “students and members of the community not to share footage of this incident or any other student fights.”