
‘Vegan’ Eric Adams won’t say if he eats fish, animal products

Mayor Eric Adams, who has previously claimed to be vegan, bizarrely refused to say on Monday if he eats fish — or if he consumes any other animal products.

Hizzoner brought up his own eating habits at a press conference in Brooklyn following multiple reports he’s been spotted out dining on fish at various restaurants — despite repeatedly insisting he follows a “plant-based” diet.

“Does Eric eat fish? Does he eat a hamburger? Does he do this? Does he do that? You know, I mean, it’s just, listen, here’s my message: The more plant-based meals you have, the healthier you are going to be,” the mayor said, unprompted.

“Ignore the noise. Don’t worry about what’s on Mayor Adams’ plate. Put these items on your plate because I’m living a healthier lifestyle,” he added.

Eric Adams touted a new plant-based lifestyle medicine program. Hay House Inc.

Pressed later about whether he is actually a pescatarian, the mayor told reporters, “I eat a plant-based-centered life. Some people want to call me vegan — vegans eat Oreos and drink Coca-Cola, I don’t. Those who are the food police for me, they can food police all the time.

“I’m not going down this rabbit hole of what do you eat.”

Adams addressed the speculation about his diet as he touted a new plant-based lifestyle medicine program that is set to be rolled out to NYC Health + Hospitals in a bid to help reduce chronic disease risks.

Eric Adams insisted that he follows a “plant-based-centered life.” YouTube / NYC Mayor's Office

Adams, who later gave a cooking demonstration to the media, went on to refer to himself as “perfectly imperfect” as he attempted to encourage others to follow his “plant-based” lifestyle.

“New Yorkers, don’t beat yourself up. No one is perfect in the city. If you look at a person who states, ‘I’m the mayor of the City of New York, and I’m perfectly imperfect.’ So if I can be the mayor, then you can be the teacher, the engineer and anything you want,” Adams said.

His insistence that he follows a “plant-based-centered life” came after Politico reported Saturday that the mayor had ordered fish when he dined at Osteria La Baia, a Midtown Italian restaurant, with former Mayor Bill de Blasio last week.

Eric Adams refuses to say how often he eats fish or animal products. Twitter / @NYCmayor

An anonymous restaurant employee told the outlet that Adams regularly orders fish and salad when he dines at the 52nd Street restaurant, whose specialty is skate, adding: “He’s not a vegan, he’s a pescatarian.”

In response to the restaurant staffer’s claims, Adams’ City Hall communications director, Maxwell Young, adamantly told the outlet the mayor does not eat fish.

The mayor also had a lengthy dinner meeting with run-out-of-office ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo at La Baia last week.

Eric Adams addressed speculation about his vegan diet. YouTube / NYC Mayor's Office

Cuomo ordered the skate but it wasn’t clear what Adams ordered, a source told The Post at the time.

Adams made the decision to go plant-based back in 2016, telling The Post that it helped reverse his diabetes after he started to lose his vision. He also published a plant-based cookbook last year titled “Healthy At Last.”