
Load of carp: ‘Vegan’ Mayor Adams admits he eats fish

In an ocean of political whoppers, this one is barely a keeper — and may be the most head-scratching admission a New York City mayor has had to make.

Eric Adams, a self-proclaimed vegan, confessed under duress Monday evening that he sometimes eats fish, just hours after refusing to reveal his dietary habits at a morning news conference in Brooklyn.

In a prepared statement released by City Hall shortly before dinnertime, Adams came clean in the wake of reports that he’s been spotted dining out, pescatarian-style, at various restaurants.

“Let me be clear: Changing to a plant-based diet saved my life, and I aspire to be plant-based 100 percent of the time,” Adams said.

“I want to be a role model for people who are following or aspire to follow a plant-based diet, but, as I said, I am perfectly imperfect, and have occasionally eaten fish.”

Adams said he strives to follow a plant-based diet, but he is "perfectly imperfect" and has eaten fish.
Adams said he strives to follow a plant-based diet, but he is “perfectly imperfect” and has eaten fish. Twitter / @NYCmayor

The aquatic admission followed an unprompted rant earlier in the day when Hizzoner — who’s said he slimmed down and he cured himself of diabetes by adopting a plant-based diet — brought up the subject of his food intake without any prompting.

“Does Eric eat fish? Does he eat a hamburger? Does he do this? Does he do that?” he said.

“You know, I mean, it’s just, listen, here’s my message: The more plant-based meals you have, the healthier you are going to be.”

Adams added: “Ignore the noise. Don’t worry about what’s on Mayor Adams’ plate. Put these items on your plate because I’m living a healthier lifestyle.”

Adams has written a plant-based cook book and claimed the diet saved his life.
Adams has written a plant-based cookbook and claimed the diet saved his life. YouTube / NYC Mayor's Office

When pressed later on whether he actually does eat fish, Adams, who wrote the 2020 cookbook “Healthy at Last: A Plant-Based Approach to Preventing and Reversing Diabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses,” answered, “I eat a plant-based-centered life.”

“Some people want to call me vegan — vegans eat Oreos and drink Coca-Cola, I don’t,” he said.

“Those who are the food police for me, they can food police all the time.”

And in an unexpected pronouncement from someone who eschews meat, he added: “I’m not going down this rabbit hole of what do you eat.”