
Adams taps Prospect Alliance head Sue Donoghue as parks commissioner

Mayor Eric Adams appointed Prospect Park Alliance president Sue Donoghue the new city parks commissioner.

Donoghue previously served as assistant parks commissioner under former Mayor Mike Bloomberg and has been credited with sprucing up Prospect Park.

Mayor Eric Adams
Mayor Eric Adams claims parks “are a necessity.” Alec Tabak

Adams also named Iris Rodriguez-Rosa, the current Bronx commissioner and veteran in the department, as the first deputy parks commissioner.

“Parks are not a luxury, they are a necessity,” Adams said during a Friday City Hall press conference.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams
Mayor Eric Adams tapped Iris Rodriguez-Rosa to be the first deputy parks commissioner. G.N. Miller

Comptroller Brad Lander, a former Brooklyn councilman who audits city agencies, is such a big fan on Donoghue that he showed up at the press conference to endorse the mayor’s choice.