
Councilwoman sends sympathy to relatives of slain NYPD cops — and their killer

A city council member from Harlem offered her sympathy to both the relatives of two NYPD cops gunned down last week — and to their killer.

���My deepest condolences to the families of Officer [Jason] Rivera, Officer [Wilbert] Mora and Lashawn McNeil,” Kristin Richardson Jordan wrote on Twitter Tuesday.

“Lives lost due to broken public safety & mental health systems that spare nobody. Harlem stands with the families of the fallen and we will not stop fighting for a safer world for all,” she said.

Rivera and Mora, who were assigned to the 32nd Precinct, were ambushed last Friday by McNeil after responding to a domestic disturbance at the suspect’s mother’s Harlem apartment, according to police.

Council member Kristin Richardson Jordan sent her “deepest condolences” to the families of slain NYPD officers Jason Rivera and Wilbert Mora while including Lashawn McNeil in the same social media post. LightRocket via Getty Images

McNeil burst through a door and shot both officers with an illegally modified Glock handgun before a third cop shot the suspect, police said.

Rivera, a rookie with the department, died Friday night. Mora, 27, died Tuesday after being taken off life support.

Officer Jason Rivera was fatally shot in Harlem on Jan. 21, 2022. Robert Miller

Officer Wilbert Mora died after he was taken off life support on Jan. 26, 2022. AP
Leshawn McNeil, Officer Rivera and Mora’s killer, was included in Kristin Richardson Jordan’s post, prompting online backlash.

McNeil, their alleged killer, died on Monday.

Cops blasted the Democratic socialist city lawmaker for looping together the two slain officers with their alleged murderer.

“How could she mention a coward, cold-blooded murderer in the same sentence as two heroes,” said a Bronx cop.

“I find it very disturbing to see the perp’s name in the same sentence as the two heroes who are not even buried yet,” said a Brooklyn detective.

A Manhattan cop added: “She put the names of our dead cops with their killer in the same breath she wishes condolences.”

Jordan couldn’t be reached for comment on Tuesday night.

The council member also created an uproar on Friday night for tweeting concerns over a community garden just two hours after the deadly shooting in her district.

Additional reporting by Kenneth Garger