
Letters to the Editor — Dec. 27, 2021

The Issue: Michael Goodwin’s column on President Biden’s failure to effectively address the pandemic.

Michael Goodwin aptly pointed out that no matter what the Biden administration touches, the end result is another pile of smoking waste in a dumpster fire (“Double dose of ineptitude,” Dec. 22).

More important, however: We must remind ourselves that President Biden is the symptom of an extensive illness transmitted from Democrats — ill-conceived, twisted and incompetent prescriptions for solving our country’s so-called and sometimes made-up woes.

Whether it be trillions in smash-’n-grab theft from taxpayers, voting integrity, illegal immigration, woke school and climate policies, Justice Department corruption, Afghanistan or COVID mismanagement, the sickness is wide and deep.

Barry Jones

Folsom, Calif.

Bumbling Biden ignored an obvious way to boost COVID vaccinations— require them for airline passengers.

That could motivate millions of folks to get jabbed rather than stay home for holidays and vacations.

He has the legal power to do this, but he caved to pressure from airline executives who warned about flight delays, even though the TSA can easily check passengers’ vaccination cards.

Sleepy Joe can barely read off a teleprompter or coherently answer reporters’ questions. Did someone spike his Ensure?

Richard Reif


Since Biden basically ran on defeating COVID, how could he have not anticipated and prepared for a surge on Day One?

He blamed Trump for all the deaths during his term — even though two years ago, COVID was brand-new and had never been seen before.

This weak, incompetent pretend president didn’t even bother getting rapid tests distributed ahead of time, before they were needed. And what about treatments? The words never come out of his mouth.

Carol Meltzer


Biden has had almost two years to figure out how to handle COVID, and what has he done? Why solely depend on former President Donald Trump’s vaccines?

The vaccines were prepared for the original virus, not variants.

Biden is merely a political hack with no ideas of his own. For all of Trump’s faults, he had ideas and thought of the future.

Charlie Honadel

Venice, Fla.

The Issue: Kim Potter’s conviction for manslaughter after she shot Duante Wright during an arrest this year.

The verdict, I guess, was fair (“Convicted in Daunte slay,” Dec. 24).

The whole incident was so tragic. A policewoman will now be going to jail, and a young man was killed.

The problem I have is that this would never have happened if the victim, Duante Wright, did not resist arrest.

In fact, many of these cases are caused by someone resisting arrest. But the media and public seem to never take the side of the law enforcement.

Rick Millman

Key West, Fla.

Officer Kim Potter made a colossal error.

Duante Wright, the now-deceased, was a 20-year-old thug who put himself and the accused officer in harm’s way.

Death was not deserved. This huge blunder was entirely the miscalculation of a veteran officer.

His wicked lifestyle came to an end in an abrupt manner. The officer’s life will continue, but never be the same.

Not being aware of whether she was pulling a gun or a taser will forever be on her. She will have a lifetime to ponder that mistake.

Ron Zajicek


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