US News

‘Rarely apart’: File on Epstein hard drive details relationship with Maxwell

A document found on a hard drive in Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse detailed his intimate relationship with alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell — including how the two were “rarely apart.”

The fawning file was created on a desktop by someone logged in as the user “GMax” on Oct. 14, 2002, and discovered by the feds after they raided the sex offender’s Upper East Side lair in 2019, an FBI digital forensic examiner, Stephen Flatley, testified in Manhattan federal court Tuesday.

“Jeffrey and Ghislaine have been together as a couple for the last 11 years,” the note started. “They are, contrary to what people think, rarely apart, I almost always see them together.”

A photo of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein kissing is shown as FBI analyst Kimberly Meder testifies during the trial of Maxwell. Reuters
“Jeffrey [Epstein] and Ghislaine [Maxwell] have been together as a couple for the last 11 years,” the note started. Joe Schildhorn/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

The doc went on to describe the British socialite as “highly intelligent and great company with a ready smile and an infectious laugh” who puts people at ease.

“Jeffrey and Ghislaine share many mutual interests and they have a lot of fun together,” it continued.

The duo was described as thick as thieves, with the file noting, “they compliment each other really well.”

“On top of being partner’s [sic] they are also best of friends,” it said.

The file was created on a desktop by someone logged in as the user “GMax” and discovered by the feds after they raided Jeffrey Epstein’s Upper East Side home. SDNY
Hard drives found during the raid of Epstein’s apartment. SDNY

Other files recovered from the hard drives included a “help wanted” flyer for masseuses in Palm Beach, Florida, that advertised “excellent pay.”

One missive from May 25, 2001, complained that Epstein’s Palm Beach housekeeper Juan Alessi — who claimed he cleaned up sex toys from Epstein’s massage room — was “doing a truly awful job.”

The message referred to Alessi as “John” instead of Juan, which he testified last week was the name Maxwell and Epstein used to call him when he worked for the pair, from 1991 to 2002.

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were described as thick as thieves and that “they compliment each other really well.” SDNY

It’s unclear who wrote the notes or what purpose they served.

They were among the trove of hard drives and other electronic materials recovered from Epstein’s multimillion-dollar home around the time of his July 2019 arrest on federal sex-trafficking charges. He committed suicide behind bars a month later.

FBI analyst Kimberly Meder, who went through the cache of photos found during the raid, testified Tuesday that some of them showed Epstein and Maxwell together, including one of her in a skimpy top, rubbing his feet aboard a plane.

Maxwell, 59, was arrested in July 2020 and stands accused of helping the dead pedophile lure at least four underage girls to abuse between 1994 and 2004.

She could face up to 35 years in prison if convicted. Her trial is expected to last six weeks.