
Letters to the Editor — Nov. 28, 2021

Bitcoin bungle
Mayor-elect Eric Adams has made his first big mistake even before taking office: putting the risky gamble of bitcoin at the top of his economic plans as mayor (“Currency events in Midtown,” Nov. 21)

Adams said he wants to turn New York City into a cryptocurrency center, and said he wants to receive his first paychecks as mayor in bitcoin. He also wants to allow city workers to receive their paychecks in bitcoin.

Economist Paul Krugman warns against the dangers of the bitcoin gamble. Some economic experts have expressed concern that there are links between cryptocurrencies and illegal transactions, and the naive and economically ignorant have often been victims of various scams.

Does the mayor-elect understand all the ramifications of large investments in cryptocurrency by municipal workers and all New Yorkers?

Adams should rethink his reckless economic gamble and focus on the immediate needs of the New Yorkers he will be leading in the next four years.

Michael J. Gorman

Peachy in Mexico
I had a good laugh reading how dangerous the east coast of Mexico has become because of drug gangs (“Sunshine, sand and slaughter,” Nov. 19).

I travel there frequently, have friends there and have traveled all over Yucatan. As soon as I was vaccinated, I went back.

I would rather walk through a neighborhood I am unfamiliar with in Cancun or Tulum after dark than walk through Times Square in daylight. I’m a 72-year-old white guy, and I don’t exactly blend in. I have never had a problem.

I am considering writing a similar article for Spanish-language papers on how dangerous New York City is.

Bob Porch
Marlton, NJ

City’s gas ban
Environmentalists believe New York should switch to all-renewable energy now, when we are decades from meeting that goal (“The Council’s Latest Housing Horror,” Editorial, Nov. 16).

Banning new natural-gas connections, a proposal now before the City Council, won’t promote “green energy.” Conversely, it creates need to keep older power plants online for years. Reliable alternatives do not yet exist, and natural gas-fired plants can instantly activate when renewables can’t.

Despite most households heating with gas, lawmakers want to pass feel-good, short-sighted regulations that ignore constituents’ concerns. Without incentives, only the rich will afford heating system upgrades. Retrofitting homes or businesses will be cost prohibitive.

We should aggressively address climate change and doing so will require sacrifice. But lawmakers must make reasonable decisions on how to proceed.

Ideally, they should support a diverse energy infrastructure that includes natural gas.
The City Council must have courage to implement sensible policies that ensure affordability and reliability, instead of laws driven by those with little understanding of our energy grid.

Michelle Hook
New Yorkers for Affordable Energy

Turpin abuse
After reading The Post story on the 13 Turpin children who were so abused for so many years by their parents, I watched the 20/20 episode (“ ‘Victimized again,’ ” Nov. 21).

I was appalled to learn that mostly these siblings are still being abused by the state of California. Some were placed in foster homes where they were abused, and others were placed in very bad neighborhoods. It’s shameful what is going on.

Annette Johnson
Cortlandt Manor

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